function notifications_destination_method_replace in Notifications 6.4
Update sending destinations when disabled a send method
@todo This may be better in a batch
$old: Old sending method
$new: Optional new sending method to replace the old one
1 call to notifications_destination_method_replace()
- notifications_messaging in ./
notifications.module - Implementation of hook_messaging()
- includes/, line 498 - Destination management
function notifications_destination_method_replace($old, $new) {
// Purge notifications queue, we may lose some notifications but it's the safest option.
$deleted = notifications_queue()
'send_method' => $old,
if ($new) {
$old_type = messaging_method_info($old, 'address_type');
$new_type = messaging_method_info($new, 'address_type');
// If both methods have the same address type, just replace methods
if ($old_type == $new_type) {
db_query("UPDATE {notifications} SET send_method = '%s' WHERE send_method = '%s'", $new, $old);
$replaced = db_affected_rows();
else {
// First try a bulk replacement for users that have both types of destination
db_query("UPDATE {notifications} s INNER JOIN {messaging_destination} d ON s.uid = d.uid SET s.mdid = d.mdid, s.send_method = '%s', s.destination = d.address WHERE s.uid > 0 AND s.send_method = '%s' AND d.type = '%s'", $new, $old, $new_type);
$replaced = db_affected_rows();
// Now find a replacement for the rest. In case there are more than one subscription for a destination, process all at once
// Unless this was a database field, which we should have already fixed. When no destination user has no data
$result = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT uid, mdid FROM {notifications} WHERE uid > 0 AND send_method = '%s'", $old);
if (!$new_type || !$field || !$table) {
while ($subs = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if (($account = notifications_load_user($subs->uid)) && ($dest = messaging_account_build_destination($account, $new))) {
db_query("UPDATE {notifications} SET mdid = %d, send_method = '%s', destination = '%s' WHERE mdid = %d", $dest->mdid, $new, $dest->address, $subs->mdid);
$replaced += db_affected_rows();
// Block remaining subscriptions for old sending method
db_query("UPDATE {notifications} SET status = %d WHERE send_method = '%s'", Notifications_Subscription::STATUS_BLOCKED, $old);
$blocked = db_affected_rows();
// Print out some messages about what's happened
if (!empty($replaced)) {
drupal_set_message(t("Updated @count user subscriptions with a new destination.", array(
'@count' => $replaced,
if (!empty($blocked)) {
drupal_set_message(t("Blocked @count subscriptions as we cannot find a replacement destination.", array(
'@count' => $blocked,
)), 'warning');
if (!empty($deleted)) {
drupal_set_message(t("Deleted @count notifications from queue, corresponding to the disabled method.", array(
'@count' => $deleted,