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function notifications_destination_address_subform in Notifications 6.4

Displays a destination field for each method


$account: User account the destination is for

$destination: Destination object to populate one of the addresses

$send_methods: Array method => name to restrict the number of sending methods

$size: Address text field size

2 calls to notifications_destination_address_subform()
notifications_destination_request_form in includes/
Form to request a message with a link to manage destination's subscriptions
notifications_subscription_destination_subform in ./notifications.module
Add destination subform


includes/, line 95
Destination management


function notifications_destination_address_subform($account, $destination = NULL, $send_methods = NULL, $size = 40) {
  $send_methods = isset($send_methods) ? $send_methods : notifications_send_methods($account);
  if (!$send_methods) {
    $form['warning']['#value'] = '<p>' . t('No sending methods available.') . '</p>';
    return $form;

  // Get address types for all these methods, without duplicates
  $address_types = $address_method = array();
  foreach ($send_methods as $method => $method_name) {

    // We use method name if we don't have address name
    $type = messaging_method_info($method, 'address_type');
    $name = messaging_address_info($type, 'name');
    $address_types[$type] = $name ? $name : $method_name;
    $address_method[$method] = $type;

  // This address type to method mapping will allow us to get a valid method from a destination
  $form['destination_methods'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $address_method,
  $form['destination_account'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $account,
  $form['destination_address'] = array(
    //'#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#tree' => TRUE,

  // Now depending on how many address types we adjust the title
  if (count($address_types) > 1) {
    $form['destination_address'] += array(
      '#title' => t('Enter only a destination address.'),
      '#type' => 'fieldset',

  // We present a field for each address type
  foreach ($address_types as $type => $name) {
    $form['destination_address'][$type] = array(
      '#title' => $name,
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#size' => $size,
      '#default_value' => $destination && $type == $destination->type ? $destination->address : '',
  return $form;