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Functions in Notifications 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
notifications_module_information ./notifications.module Invokes hook_notifications() with a single parameter or more but not needing an object to be passed as reference. 8
notifications_module_invoke ./notifications.module Invokes hook_notifications() in every module. 6
notifications_multiple_delete_confirm ./ Form for multiple delete. When account passed check that all subscriptions belong to the user account 2
notifications_multiple_delete_confirm_submit ./ Submit multiple delete from 1
notifications_multiple_delete_confirm_validate ./ Validate permissions to delete all the subscriptions 1
notifications_node_autocomplete_title ./ Menu callback; Retrieve a pipe delimited string of autocomplete suggestions for existing users 1
notifications_node_autocomplete_type ./ Menu callback; Retrieve a pipe delimited string of autocomplete suggestions for existing users 1
notifications_node_nid2autocomplete ./ Generates 'title [nid:$nid]' for the autocomplete field 1
notifications_node_nid2title ./ Mapping from node nid to title 1
notifications_node_title2nid ./ Reverse mapping from node title to nid 1
notifications_notifications ./notifications.module Implementation of notifications_hook()
notifications_page_subscribe ./ Menu callback add subscription 1
notifications_page_unsubscribe ./ Menu callback for unsubscribe page 1
notifications_perm ./notifications.module Implementation of hook_perms()
notifications_process ./ Controls and checks limits for queue processing It can be used by other modules to add their own limits here, like number of sms sent, etc... 6
notifications_process_compose ./ Message composition. 1
notifications_process_digest_long ./ Digest multiple events in a single message, long format. 1
notifications_process_digest_short ./ Digest multiple events in a single message, short format. 1
notifications_process_message ./ Creates a single message for a single event 1
notifications_process_prepare ./ Prepare subscriptions queue 3
notifications_process_queue ./ Process subscriptions queue 3
notifications_process_rows ./ Process rows given query conditions 2 1
notifications_process_run ./ Function to be called on cron by the main notifications_cron 2 1
notifications_process_send ./ Send array of messages through messaging module
notifications_query_build ./notifications.module Query builder for subscriptions 3
notifications_query_sql ./notifications.module Build the SQL statement from query elements 5
notifications_queue ./notifications.module Queue events for notifications adding query conditions from plug-ins 1 10
notifications_queue_clean ./notifications.module Clean queue for a user and update event tracker 3
notifications_queue_delete ./ Delete rows from subscriptions queue 2
notifications_queue_done ./ Mark queue rows as done 3
notifications_queue_operations ./ List of queue operations 2
notifications_queue_query ./ Build query conditions for queue queries 4
notifications_queue_update ./ Update queue rows with defined values 1
notifications_save_subscription ./notifications.module Update or create subscription 11
notifications_schema ./notifications.install Implementation of hook_schema()
notifications_send_immediate ./notifications.module Store / return events for immediate sending 3 4
notifications_send_intervals ./notifications.module List of send intervals, translated. 13 3
notifications_send_intervals_form ./ Send intervals administration 1
notifications_send_intervals_form_submit ./ Form submit for time intervals
notifications_send_intervals_form_validate ./ Form validate for time intervals
notifications_settings_form ./ Admin settings 1
notifications_subscriptions_build_filter_query ./ Build query for node administration filters based on session. 1
notifications_subscriptions_filters ./ List node administration filters that can be applied. 3
notifications_subscriptions_filter_form ./ Return form for node administration filters. 2 2
notifications_subscriptions_filter_form_submit ./ Process result from node administration filter form. 1
notifications_subscriptions_mass_update ./ Make mass update of subscriptions, changing all nodes in the $nodes array to update them with the field values in $updates. 1
notifications_subscriptions_operations ./ Subscription mass operations. 2
notifications_subscriptions_query_build ./notifications.module Query builder for subscriptions 2
notifications_subscription_access ./notifications.module Menu access callback 1
notifications_subscription_fields ./notifications.module Get information about subscriptions fields 6


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