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Functions in Notifications 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
notifications_content_update_6000 notifications_content/notifications_content.install Update module weight
notifications_content_update_6001 notifications_content/notifications_content.install Update enabled options
notifications_cron ./notifications.module Implementation of hook_cron()
notifications_debug ./notifications.module Short hand for debug logs 2
notifications_delete_subscription ./notifications.module Delete subscription and clean up related data. 8
notifications_delete_subscriptions ./notifications.module Delete multiple subscriptions and clean up related data (pending notifications, fields). 7
notifications_digest_group ./ Get text parts for digests. 1
notifications_digest_line ./ Digest each line, with some caching for performance 1
notifications_digest_method ./notifications.module Information about digesting method for a send interval. 4
notifications_event ./notifications.module Process subscriptions events 3 4
notifications_event_clean ./ Clean up event table 2
notifications_event_enabled ./notifications.module Check whether we have enabled events of this type 2
notifications_event_text ./ Get texts for event 1
notifications_event_tracker ./ Keep track of events and update event counter with processed rows eids 3
notifications_event_types ./notifications.module Get event types 6
notifications_exit ./notifications.module Implementation of hook_exit()
notifications_field_args ./ Process arguments and return an array of field/value pairs 1
notifications_format_subscription ./notifications.module Format subscription for display 3
notifications_format_subscription_field ./notifications.module Format subscriptions field for display and get some more information 1
notifications_form_alter ./notifications.module Implementation of hook_form_alter()
notifications_form_subscribe_confirm ./ Form for subscription confirmation 1
notifications_form_subscribe_confirm_submit ./ Process form submission
notifications_form_unsubscribe_confirm ./ Form for unsubscription confirmation 2
notifications_form_unsubscribe_confirm_submit ./ Process form submission
notifications_get_link ./notifications.module Return link array for subscriptions 4
notifications_get_subscriptions ./notifications.module Get subscriptions that fit a set of conditions. 6
notifications_info ./notifications.module Get information from an array of data 3
notifications_install ./notifications.install Implementation of hook_install().
notifications_lite_add_to_queue notifications_lite/notifications_lite.module Put simple notification into queue 1
notifications_lite_mail notifications_lite/notifications_lite.module Implementation of hook_mail()
notifications_lite_messaging notifications_lite/notifications_lite.module Implementation of hook_messaging()
notifications_lite_notifications notifications_lite/notifications_lite.module Implementation of hook_notifications()
notifications_lite_queue_event notifications_lite/notifications_lite.module Insert lite notification into queue. 1
notifications_lite_send notifications_lite/notifications_lite.module Sends out a notification for a user 3
notifications_load_event ./ Get events with static caching. Handle event deletion if not available anymore 1
notifications_load_subscription ./notifications.module Get an individual subscription. 10
notifications_load_user ./ Get users with static caching for existing users 1
notifications_locale ./notifications.module Implementation of hook_locale().
notifications_locale_refresh ./notifications.module Refresh notifications strings 1 1
notifications_log ./notifications.module Short hand for info logs 7 4
notifications_manage_admin_subscriptions ./ Menu callback: subscriptions administration. 1
notifications_manage_subscriptions_access ./ Check access for current user to manage subscriptions 3
notifications_manage_subscriptions_form ./ Administer user subscriptions 2
notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_submit ./ Handle manage form submissions, run batch operations 1
notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_validate ./ Validate notifications_admin_subscriptions form submissions. 1
notifications_manage_user_subscriptions ./ Menu callback: user subscriptions management 1
notifications_menu ./notifications.module Implementation of hook_menu().
notifications_message_part ./ Get message part 6
notifications_message_send ./ Message sending, pass the message to Messaging back end 1
notifications_messaging ./notifications.module Implementation of hook_messaging()


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