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function nopremium_permission in Node Option Premium 7

Implementation of hook_permission().


./nopremium.module, line 194
Written by Henri MEDOT <henri.medot[AT]absyx[DOT]fr>


function nopremium_permission() {
  $perms['view full premium content of any type'] = array(
    'title' => t('View full premium content of any type'),
  $perms['override premium option of any content type'] = array(
    'title' => t('Override premium option of any content type'),
  foreach (node_type_get_types() as $type => $info) {
    $perms['view full ' . $type . ' premium content'] = array(
      'title' => t('%type_name: View full premium content', array(
        '%type_name' => $info->name,
    $perms['override ' . $type . ' premium option'] = array(
      'title' => t('%type_name: Override premium option', array(
        '%type_name' => $info->name,
  return $perms;