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10 uses of NODEWORDS_TYPE_USER in Nodewords: D6 Meta Tags 6.3

hook_metatags_default_values_alter in ./nodewords.api.php
Alters the default meta tags values.
hook_metatags_type in ./nodewords.api.php
Determinates the type of the object associated with the viewed page.
nodewords_add_tokens_help in ./nodewords.module
Add the tokens help to the form.
nodewords_basic_metatags_info in nodewords_basic/includes/
Implements hook_metatags_info().
nodewords_replace_tokens in ./nodewords.module
Create the content of a meta tag from a node teaser.
nodewords_ui_form_nodewords_admin_settings_form_alter in nodewords_ui/nodewords_ui.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
nodewords_ui_user in nodewords_ui/nodewords_ui.module
Implements hook_user().
nodewords_update_6300 in ./nodewords.install
Implements hook_update_N().
nodewords_user in ./nodewords.module
Implements hook_user().
user_metatags_type in includes/
Implements hook_metatags_type().