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function nodewords_update_6300 in Nodewords: D6 Meta Tags 6.3

Implements hook_update_N().


./nodewords.install, line 167
Install, update and uninstall functions for the Nodewords module.


function nodewords_update_6300() {
  drupal_load('module', 'nodewords');
  $ret = array();
  $types = array(
    'default' => NODEWORDS_TYPE_DEFAULT,
    'errorpage' => NODEWORDS_TYPE_ERRORPAGE,
    'frontpage' => NODEWORDS_TYPE_FRONTPAGE,
    'pager' => NODEWORDS_TYPE_PAGER,
    'node' => NODEWORDS_TYPE_NODE,
    'term' => NODEWORDS_TYPE_TERM,
    'tracker' => NODEWORDS_TYPE_TRACKER,
    'user' => NODEWORDS_TYPE_USER,
    'vocabulary' => NODEWORDS_TYPE_VOCABULARY,
  if (variable_get('nodewords_update', 0) >= 6176) {
    db_add_field($ret, 'nodewords', 'sid', array(
      'description' => 'The secondary ID (i.e., the node revision ID).',
      'type' => 'int',
      'unsigned' => TRUE,
      'not null' => TRUE,
      'default' => 0,
  else {
    $ret['#abort'] = array(
      'success' => FALSE,
      'query' => 'Updating to version 6.x-3 is possible only from version 6.x-1.12-beta6 or later',
  return $ret;