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function nodequeue_nodequeue_form_submit in Nodequeue 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 nodequeue.module \nodequeue_nodequeue_form_submit()
  2. 7.3 nodequeue.module \nodequeue_nodequeue_form_submit()
  3. 7.2 nodequeue.module \nodequeue_nodequeue_form_submit()

Implementation of hook_nodequeue_form_submit()


./nodequeue.module, line 1363
Maintains queues of nodes in arbitrary order.


function nodequeue_nodequeue_form_submit(&$queue, $form_state) {

  // This will add a single subqueue to our new queue.
  if (!isset($queue->qid) && !isset($queue->add_subqueue)) {

    // A 0 will set the reference to the sqid of the queue.
    $queue->add_subqueue = array(
      0 => $queue->title,

  //If the qid is set at this point, we're saving an existing queue.
  if (isset($queue->qid)) {

    //We don't check to see if the title has been updated since the $queue object already matches $form_state['values'].
    db_query("UPDATE {nodequeue_subqueue} SET title = '%s' WHERE qid = %d", array(