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function nodequeue_get_all_qids in Nodequeue 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 nodequeue.module \nodequeue_get_all_qids()
  2. 7.2 nodequeue.module \nodequeue_get_all_qids()

Get an array of qids using the pager query. This administrative list does no permission checking, so should only be available to users who have passed the 'administer queues' check.


$page_size: The page size to use. If this is 0 or NULL, all queues will be returned. Defaults to 0.

$pager_element: In the rare event this should use another pager element, set this..

$bypass_cache: Boolean value indicating whether to bypass the cache or not.

Return value

$qids An array in the format: @code { array($qid => $qid) }

13 calls to nodequeue_get_all_qids()
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nodequeue_apachesolr_modify_query in ./nodequeue.module
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nodequeue_generate_form in ./nodequeue_generate.module

... See full list


./nodequeue.module, line 636
Maintains queues of nodes in arbitrary order.


function nodequeue_get_all_qids($page_size = 0, $pager_element = 0, $bypass_cache = FALSE) {
  static $cache = array();
  if ($bypass_cache || empty($cache[$page_size])) {
    $sql = 'SELECT nq.qid ' . 'FROM {nodequeue_queue} nq ' . 'WHERE nq.show_in_ui = 1 ';
    $count_sql = 'SELECT COUNT(q.qid) FROM {nodequeue_queue} q WHERE q.show_in_ui = 1 ';
    if ($page_size) {
      $result = pager_query($sql, $page_size, $pager_element, $count_sql);
    else {
      $result = db_query($sql, $count_sql);
    $qids = array();
    while ($qid = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $qids[$qid->qid] = $qid->qid;
    $cache[$page_size] = $qids;
  return $cache[$page_size];