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10 calls to nodequeue_load_subqueues_by_queue() in Nodequeue 7.3

nodequeue_admin_view in includes/
Page callback to view a queue.
nodequeue_apachesolr_query_alter in ./nodequeue.module
Implements hook_apachesolr_query_alter().
nodequeue_arrange_subqueue in includes/
View the contents of a subqueue, with links to re-order the queue.
nodequeue_check_subqueue_sizes in ./nodequeue.module
Guarantee that all subqueues are within the size constraints set by $queue->size.
nodequeue_form_apachesolr_search_bias_form_alter in ./nodequeue.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
nodequeue_nodequeue_generate in ./nodequeue_generate.module
Implements hook_nodequeue_generate() for owner 'nodequeue'.
nodequeue_service_get_subqueues in addons/nodequeue_service/
Returns an array of available subqueues by parent queue id.
nodequeue_view_queues in includes/
Display a list of queues and their status for the administrator.
nodequeue_view_subqueues in includes/
Display a list of subqueues for a queue and their sizes
smartqueue_taxonomy_nodequeue_generate in ./nodequeue_generate.module
Implements hook_nodequeue_generate() for owner 'smartqueue_taxonomy'.