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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Nodequeue 7.3

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
nodequeue_handler_argument_subqueue_qid class includes/views/ Subqueues have titles that are determined by doing substitution from the subqueue_title on the queue using the title on the subqueue, which takes a little extra work to do here.
nodequeue_handler_field_all_queues class includes/views/ @file Field handler for all queues. 1
nodequeue_handler_field_all_subqueues class includes/views/ @file Field handler for all subqueues
nodequeue_handler_field_links class includes/views/ @file Views field handler for the nodequeue queue links
nodequeue_handler_field_queue_tab class includes/views/ @file Views field handler for the nodequeue queue links
nodequeue_handler_filter_in_queue class includes/views/ @file Handler to filter for nodes that are not in a queue.
nodequeue_handler_relationship_nodequeue class includes/views/ @file Specialized relationship handler to add nodequeues.
nodequeue_handler_sort_by_position_and_other class includes/views/ Allows combining the nodequeue position with another (random) parameter (created date for example). This handler is useful only if the nodequeue relationship is NOT required.
nodequeue_queue class ./nodequeue.module The nodequeue queue class; the constructor makes it so we don't have to always check to see if our variables are empty or not.

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