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Functions in Nodequeue 7.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
action_nodequeue_add includes/ Old-style action to add a node to a queue.
action_nodequeue_remove includes/ Old-style action to remove a node from a queue. 1
drush_nodequeue_generate ./ Re-populates specified nodequeues with random nodes.
drush_nodequeue_generate_all ./ Re-populates all nodequeues with random nodes.
drush_nodequeue_generate_rehash ./ Rehashes smartqueue subqueues for taxonomy smartqueue.
hook_nodequeue_add ./nodequeue.api.php Triggered when a node is added to a sub-queue, after adding the sub-queue.
hook_nodequeue_alter ./nodequeue.api.php Allow modifying queues being loaded.
hook_nodequeue_arrange_subqueue_form_alter ./nodequeue.api.php Allow modifying the table setup before output.
hook_nodequeue_autocomplete ./nodequeue.api.php Provide an alternative way to provide auto-complete results.
hook_nodequeue_delete ./nodequeue.api.php Allow modules to react to a queue deletion.
hook_nodequeue_form ./nodequeue.api.php Allow altering the queue edit form.
hook_nodequeue_form_submit ./nodequeue.api.php Allow submitting the queue edit form. First pass.
hook_nodequeue_form_submit_finish ./nodequeue.api.php Allow submitting the queue edit form. Second pass.
hook_nodequeue_form_validate ./nodequeue.api.php Allow validating the queue edit form.
hook_nodequeue_info ./nodequeue.api.php Expose nodequeue info.
hook_nodequeue_remove ./nodequeue.api.php Triggered when nodes are removed from a sub-queue.
hook_nodequeue_save_subqueue_order_alter ./nodequeue.api.php Allow altering a node reordering action.
hook_nodequeue_sort_alter ./nodequeue.api.php Allow altering a node reordering action.
hook_nodequeue_subqueues ./nodequeue.api.php Allow providing a list of valid sub-queues for a node within a queue.
hook_nodequeue_swap ./nodequeue.api.php Triggered when a node changes position within a sub-queue, after the swap.
hook_nodequeue_update ./nodequeue.api.php Allow modules to react to a node reordering action.
hook_queue_access ./nodequeue.api.php Provide queue access control.
hook_subqueue_access ./nodequeue.api.php Provide sub-queue access control.
nodequeue_action_add_node ./ Action: Add the given node to the given nodequeue.
nodequeue_action_info ./nodequeue.module Implements hook_action_info().
nodequeue_action_remove_node ./ Action: Remove the given node from the given nodequeue.
nodequeue_add_action includes/ Action to add a node to a queue.
nodequeue_add_action_form includes/ Configuration form for Add to Nodequeues action.
nodequeue_add_action_submit includes/ Submit handler for Add to Nodequeues action configuration.
nodequeue_add_subqueue ./nodequeue.module Add a new subqueue to a queue. 3
nodequeue_admin_add_node includes/ Page callback to add a node to a queue. 1
nodequeue_admin_delete includes/ Confirm form to delete a queue 1
nodequeue_admin_delete_submit includes/ Submit function for nodequeue delete
nodequeue_admin_paths ./nodequeue.module Implements hook_admin_paths().
nodequeue_admin_remove includes/ Page callback to remove an item from a queue. This will be used only if javascript is disabled in the client, and is a fallback technique. This differs from nodequeue_admin_remove_node in that it removes a specific position, which is necessary in case…
nodequeue_admin_remove_node includes/ Page callback to remove a node from a queue. 1
nodequeue_admin_settings includes/ Form builder for the nodequeue settings tab. 1
nodequeue_admin_view includes/ Page callback to view a queue. 1
nodequeue_admin_view_title includes/ Title callback for nodequeue view pages. 1
nodequeue_apachesolr_index_document_build_node ./nodequeue.module Implements hook_apachesolr_index_document_build_ENTITY_TYPE().
nodequeue_apachesolr_query_alter ./nodequeue.module Implements hook_apachesolr_query_alter().
nodequeue_api_autocomplete ./nodequeue.module Fetch a list of nodes available to a given subqueue for autocomplete. 2
nodequeue_api_info ./nodequeue.module Collect info about all of the possible nodequeue types from owning modules. 2
nodequeue_api_queue_access ./nodequeue.module 1
nodequeue_api_queue_form ./nodequeue.module Send the nodequeue edit form to the owning module for modification. 1
nodequeue_api_queue_form_submit ./nodequeue.module Send the nodequeue edit form to the owning module upon submit. 1
nodequeue_api_queue_form_submit_finish ./nodequeue.module Send the nodequeue edit form to the owning module after the queue has been saved. 1
nodequeue_api_queue_form_validate ./nodequeue.module Validate the nodequeue edit form. 1
nodequeue_api_subqueues ./nodequeue.module Fetch a list of subqueues that are valid for this node from the owning module. 2
nodequeue_api_subqueue_access ./nodequeue.module Allows the owning module of a subqueue to restrict access to viewing and manipulating the queue. 6


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