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Functions in Nodequeue 5.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
nodequeue_generate_form_submit ./nodequeue_generate.module
nodequeue_generate_menu ./nodequeue_generate.module
nodequeue_generate_rehash ./nodequeue_generate.module Rebuild all smartqueue_taxonomy queues. Useful after a data migration has wiped your terms. When more smartqueue modules arrive, revisit this function.
nodequeue_get_all_qids ./nodequeue.module Get an array all qids using the pager query. This administrative list does no permission checking, so should only be available to users who have passed the 'administer queues' check. 11
nodequeue_get_qids ./nodequeue.module Get an array of qids applicable to this node type. 2
nodequeue_get_query_string ./nodequeue.module Generate a query string to use on nodequeue's private links. 4
nodequeue_get_subqueues_by_node ./nodequeue.module Get a list of valid subqueues for a node, along with the position of the node. 6
nodequeue_get_subqueue_position ./nodequeue.module Get the position of a node in a subqueue, or 0 if not found. 1
nodequeue_get_token ./nodequeue.module Get a private token used to protect nodequeue's links from spoofing. 2
nodequeue_handler_arg_pos ./ 1
nodequeue_handler_arg_qid ./ 1
nodequeue_handler_arg_qtitle ./ 1
nodequeue_handler_arg_reference ./ 1
nodequeue_handler_arg_sqid ./ 1
nodequeue_handler_filter_exclusion ./ 1
nodequeue_handler_queuelist ./ Generate a list of queues for use in handlers. 2
nodequeue_handler_subqueuelist ./ Generate a list of queues for use in option/value fields.
nodequeue_init ./nodequeue.module Implementation of hook_init().
nodequeue_install ./nodequeue.install
nodequeue_js_output ./nodequeue.module Print the JSON output for our AJAX calls. 2
nodequeue_link ./nodequeue.module Implementation of hook_link 1
nodequeue_load ./nodequeue.module Load a nodequeue. 6
nodequeue_load_queues ./nodequeue.module Load an array of $qids. 16
nodequeue_load_queues_by_type ./nodequeue.module Fetch a list of available queues for a given location. These queues will be fully loaded and ready to go. 2
nodequeue_load_subqueue ./nodequeue.module Load a single subqueue. 6
nodequeue_load_subqueues ./nodequeue.module Load a list of subqueues 1
nodequeue_load_subqueues_by_queue ./nodequeue.module Load the entire set of subqueues for a queue. 7
nodequeue_load_subqueues_by_reference ./nodequeue.module Load a set of subqueues by reference. 3
nodequeue_menu ./nodequeue.module Implementation of hook_menu
nodequeue_nids_visible ./nodequeue.module 2
nodequeue_nodeapi ./nodequeue.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi
nodequeue_nodequeue_form_submit ./nodequeue.module Implementation of hook_nodequeue_form_submit()
nodequeue_nodequeue_info ./nodequeue.module Implementation of hook_nodequeue_info()
nodequeue_nodes ./nodequeue.module 3 7
nodequeue_node_access ./nodequeue.module Return TRUE if $user can queue(s) for this node. 1
nodequeue_node_tab ./nodequeue.module Display the queue controls for a node. 1
nodequeue_node_titles ./nodequeue.module in general it's preferable to use Views for this functionality.
nodequeue_perm ./nodequeue.module Implementation of hook_perm
nodequeue_queue_access ./nodequeue.module Return TRUE If the specified account has access to manipulate this queue. 2
nodequeue_queue_back ./nodequeue.module Move an item to the back of the queue. 2
nodequeue_queue_clear ./nodequeue.module Empty a subqueue. 2
nodequeue_queue_down ./nodequeue.module Move a position within a subqueue down by one. 2
nodequeue_queue_front ./nodequeue.module Move an item to the front of the queue. 2
nodequeue_queue_position ./nodequeue.module Get the position of a node in a queue; this queue MUST have only one subqueue or the results of this function will be unpredictable.
nodequeue_queue_swap ./nodequeue.module Swap two positions within a subqueue. 3
nodequeue_queue_up ./nodequeue.module Move a position within a subqueue up by one. 2
nodequeue_remove_action ./ 1
nodequeue_remove_action_form ./ Configuration form for Remove from Node Queues action.
nodequeue_remove_action_submit ./ Submit handler for Remove from Node Queues action configuration.
nodequeue_remove_subqueue ./nodequeue.module Remove a subqueue. 1


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