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Functions in Node Order 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
nodeorder_admin ./nodeorder.module Form for Admin Settings 1
nodeorder_can_be_ordered ./nodeorder.module Returns TRUE if the node has terms in any orderable vocabulary... 1
nodeorder_form_alter ./nodeorder.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
nodeorder_install ./nodeorder.install Implementation of hook_install()
nodeorder_link ./nodeorder.module Implementation of hook_link().
nodeorder_menu ./nodeorder.module Implementation of hook_menu().
nodeorder_move_in_category ./nodeorder.module Move a node up or down in its category... 1
nodeorder_nodeapi ./nodeorder.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
nodeorder_orderable_tids ./nodeorder.module Returns an array of the node's tids that are in orderable vocabularies... 1
nodeorder_order_nodes ./nodeorder.module 1
nodeorder_overview_terms ./nodeorder.module Display a tree of all the terms in a vocabulary, with options to order nodes within each one. 1
nodeorder_perm ./nodeorder.module Implementation of hook_perm().
nodeorder_reordered ./nodeorder.module AJAX callback that gets executed after every drop. Updates the database with the new order of nodes in the given category. 1
nodeorder_select_nodes ./nodeorder.module NOTE: This is nearly a direct copy of taxonomy_select_nodes() -- see if you find this sort of copy and paste upsetting... 1
nodeorder_taxonomy_form_vocabulary_submit ./nodeorder.module Accept the form submission for a vocabulary and save the results.
nodeorder_term_page ./nodeorder.module Menu callback; displays all nodes associated with a term. 1
nodeorder_term_path ./nodeorder.module Implementation of hook_term_path() from Taxonomy.
nodeorder_views_tables_alter ./nodeorder.module Implementation of hook_views_tables_alter().
nodeorder_vocabulary_can_be_ordered ./nodeorder.module Returns TRUE if the vocabulary is orderable... 2
theme_nodeorder_order_icon ./nodeorder.module

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