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function nodejs_actions_action_info() {
$actions = array(
'realtime_taxonomy_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications of taxonomy activity.'),
'type' => 'taxonomy',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'taxonomy' => array(
'realtime_comment_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications of comment activity.'),
'type' => 'comment',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'comment' => array(
'realtime_user_notification' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications of user activity.'),
'type' => 'user',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'user' => array(
'realtime_node_notification' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications of node activity.'),
'type' => 'node',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'nodeapi' => array(
if (module_exists('og')) {
$actions += array(
'realtime_og_user_insert_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'og',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'og' => array(
'user insert',
'realtime_og_user_update_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'og',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'og' => array(
'user update',
'realtime_og_user_delete_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'og',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'og' => array(
'user delete',
'realtime_og_user_approve_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'og',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'og' => array(
'user approve',
'realtime_og_user_deny_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'og',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'og' => array(
'user deny',
'realtime_og_user_request_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'og',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'og' => array(
'user request',
'realtime_og_user_admin_new_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'og',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'og' => array(
'admin new',
if (module_exists('user_relationships_api')) {
$actions += array(
'realtime_user_relationships_type_presave_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'user_relationships_api',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'user_relationships_api' => array(
'realtime_user_relationships_type_insert_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'user_relationships_api',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'user_relationships_api' => array(
'realtime_user_relationships_type_update_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'user_relationships_api',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'user_relationships_api' => array(
'realtime_user_relationships_type_delete_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'user_relationships_api',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'user_relationships_api' => array(
'realtime_user_relationships_type_load_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'user_relationships_api',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'user_relationships_api' => array(
'realtime_user_relationships_presave_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'user_relationships_api',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'user_relationships_api' => array(
'realtime_user_relationships_request_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'user_relationships_api',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'user_relationships_api' => array(
'realtime_user_relationships_cancel_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'user_relationships_api',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'user_relationships_api' => array(
'realtime_user_relationships_update_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'user_relationships_api',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'user_relationships_api' => array(
'realtime_user_relationships_approve_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'user_relationships_api',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'user_relationships_api' => array(
'realtime_user_relationships_disapprove_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'user_relationships_api',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'user_relationships_api' => array(
'realtime_user_relationships_remove_action' => array(
'description' => t('Publish realtime notifications.'),
'type' => 'user_relationships_api',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'hooks' => array(
'user_relationships_api' => array(
return $actions;
function realtime_node_notification($context = array(), $op) {
global $user;
$userlink = l($user->name, 'user/' . $user->uid);
$link = l($context->title, 'node/' . $context->nid);
$body = t('The user !user did %action a node !link', array(
'!user' => $userlink,
'%action' => t($op['op']),
'!link' => $link,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Node Activity'), $body);
function realtime_user_notification($context = array(), $op) {
$link = l($context->name, 'user/' . $context->uid);
if ($op['op'] == "insert") {
$body = t('The user !user has been created.', array(
'!user' => $link,
elseif ($op['op'] == "delete") {
$body = t('The user !user has been deleted.', array(
'!user' => $link,
elseif ($op['op'] == "view") {
global $user;
$viewerlink = l($user->name, 'user/' . $user->uid);
$body = t('The user !viewer has viewed the user profile !user.', array(
'!viewer' => $viewerlink,
'!user' => $link,
else {
$body = t('The user !user has %action.', array(
'!user' => $link,
'%action' => t($op['op']),
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('User Activity'), $body);
function realtime_taxonomy_action($comment, $context = array()) {
$term = taxonomy_get_term(arg(3));
$name = $term->name;
$voc = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($term->vid);
$vocabulary = $voc->name;
$link = l($name, 'taxonomy/term/' . $term->tid);
$body = t('This term !link in the vocabulary !voca has been %action.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!voca' => $vocabulary,
'%action' => t($context['op']),
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Taxonomy activity'), $body);
function realtime_comment_action($comment, $context = array()) {
if (isset($comment->cid)) {
$cid = $comment->cid;
$subject = $comment->subject;
$action = t($context['op']);
else {
$cid = $context['cid'];
$subject = db_result(db_query("SELECT subject FROM {comments} WHERE cid = %d", $cid));
$link = l($comment->subject, 'node/' . $comment->nid, array(
'fragment' => 'comment-' . $comment->cid,
$body = t('The User !name did %action a comment !link .', array(
'!name' => $comment->namex,
'%action' => $action,
'!link' => $link,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message($subject, $body);
function realtime_og_user_insert_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has joined the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_og_user_update_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context->name, 'user/' . $context->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has changed his subscription to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_og_user_delete_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has removed his membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_og_user_approve_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has been approved for membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_og_user_deny_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link is denied membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_og_user_request_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link requests membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_og_user_admin_new_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link is added as an admin to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_user_relationship_update_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has been approved for membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_user_relationship_disapprove_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has been approved for membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_user_relationship_remove_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has been approved for membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_user_relationship_approve_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has been approved for membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_user_relationship_presave_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has been approved for membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_user_relationship_request_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has been approved for membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_user_relationship_cancel_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has been approved for membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_user_relationships_type_presave_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has been approved for membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_user_relationships_type_insert_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has been approved for membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_user_relationships_type_delete_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has been approved for membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_user_relationships_type_load_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has been approved for membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function realtime_user_relationships_type_update_action($hook, $context = array()) {
$link = l($context['user']->name, 'user/' . $context['user']->uid);
$group = l($context['node']->title, 'node/' . $context['node']->nid);
$body = t('This user !link has been approved for membership to the group !group.', array(
'!link' => $link,
'!group' => $group,
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message(t('Group activity'), $body);
function nodejs_actions_enqueue_message($subject, $body) {
$message = (object) array(
'broadcast' => TRUE,
'data' => (object) array(
'subject' => $subject,
'body' => $body,
'channel' => 'nodejs_notify',