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Functions in Node.js integration 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_nodejs_handlers_info ./nodejs.api.php Add javascript files on pages where Nodejs is loaded.
hook_nodejs_message_callback ./nodejs.api.php Define handlers for custom messages received from the Node JS Server.
hook_nodejs_user_channels ./nodejs.api.php Define a list of channels the user will be automatically added to, upon being registered / authenticated in the Node JS server.
hook_nodejs_user_presence_list ./nodejs.api.php Specifies the list of users that can see presence information (whether a user is connected to the Node JS server or not) about a given account.
nodejs_actions_action_info nodejs_actions/nodejs_actions.module Implements hook_action_info().
nodejs_actions_comment_action nodejs_actions/nodejs_actions.module Comment object action callback.
nodejs_actions_enqueue_message nodejs_actions/nodejs_actions.module Helper function for enqueueing 'nodejs_notify' channel messages. 3
nodejs_actions_get_action nodejs_actions/nodejs_actions.module Try to get the action for the given trigger context. 3
nodejs_actions_get_triggers nodejs_actions/nodejs_actions.module Returns a list of triggers that we supply an action for. 1
nodejs_actions_node_action nodejs_actions/nodejs_actions.module Node object action callback.
nodejs_actions_user_action nodejs_actions/nodejs_actions.module User object action callback.
nodejs_add_js_to_page_check ./nodejs.module Check if we should add the node.js js to the page. 1
nodejs_add_user_to_channel ./nodejs.module Add a user to a channel. 2
nodejs_add_user_to_channel_form ./nodejs.module Form callback, add a user to a channel. 1
nodejs_add_user_to_channel_form_submit ./nodejs.module Form submit callback - add a user to a channel on the Node.js server.
nodejs_add_user_to_channel_form_validate ./nodejs.module Form validate callback - add a user to a channel on the Node.js server.
nodejs_ajax_init nodejs_ajax/nodejs_ajax.module Implements hook_init().
nodejs_ajax_nodejs_handlers_info nodejs_ajax/nodejs_ajax.module Implements hook_nodejs_handlers_info().
nodejs_ajax_nodejs_user_channels nodejs_ajax/nodejs_ajax.module Implements hook_nodejs_user_channels().
nodejs_ajax_render nodejs_ajax/nodejs_ajax.module Send some commands to the user asynchronously.
nodejs_auth_check ./nodejs.module Checks the given key to see if it matches a valid session. 1
nodejs_auth_check_callback ./nodejs.module Default Node.js auth check callback implementation. 2
nodejs_auth_get_token ./nodejs.module Get an auth token for the current user. 1
nodejs_auth_get_token_callback ./nodejs.module Default nodejs_auth_get_token() implementation. 2
nodejs_broadcast_message ./nodejs.module Broadcast a message to all clients. 1 1
nodejs_buddylist_block_content nodejs_buddylist/nodejs_buddylist.module Get the content for the buddy list block. 2
nodejs_buddylist_block_info nodejs_buddylist/nodejs_buddylist.module Implementation of hook_block_info.
nodejs_buddylist_block_view nodejs_buddylist/nodejs_buddylist.module Implementation of hook_block_view().
nodejs_buddylist_get_online_uids nodejs_buddylist/nodejs_buddylist.module Filter the given list of uids based on who is online. 1
nodejs_buddylist_init nodejs_buddylist/nodejs_buddylist.module Implements hook_init().
nodejs_buddylist_nodejs_user_presence_list nodejs_buddylist/nodejs_buddylist.module Implements hook_nodejs_user_presence_list().
nodejs_buddylist_page_alter nodejs_buddylist/nodejs_buddylist.module Implements hook_page_alter().
nodejs_buddylist_permission nodejs_buddylist/nodejs_buddylist.module Implements hook_permission().
nodejs_buddylist_theme nodejs_buddylist/nodejs_buddylist.module Implements hook_theme().
nodejs_buddylist_user_list nodejs_buddylist/nodejs_buddylist.module Get a list of buddies for the given account. 2
nodejs_config_form nodejs_config/nodejs_config.module Node.js server configuration form. 1
nodejs_config_form_submit nodejs_config/nodejs_config.module Node.js server configuration form submit handler. 1
nodejs_config_menu nodejs_config/nodejs_config.module Implements hook_menu().
nodejs_drush_command ./ Implements hook_drush_command().
nodejs_drush_help ./ Implements hook_drush_help().
nodejs_enqueue_message ./nodejs.module Enqueue a message for sending at the end of the request. 5
nodejs_generate_content_token ./nodejs.module Generate a token for a piece of content. 1
nodejs_get_add_channel ./nodejs.module Add a channel to the Node.js server.
nodejs_get_check_channel ./nodejs.module Checks whether a channel exists on the Node.js server.
nodejs_get_client_socket_id ./nodejs.module Get the client socket id associated with this request. 2
nodejs_get_config ./nodejs.module Get nodejs server config. 3
nodejs_get_content_channel_users ./nodejs.module Get a list of users in a content channel.
nodejs_get_js_handlers ./nodejs.module Get a list of javascript handler files. 1
nodejs_get_remove_channel ./nodejs.module Remove a channel from the Node.js server.
nodejs_get_socketio_js_config ./nodejs.module Return the path to the client js. 1


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