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function nodehierarchyaccess_nodeapi in Node Hierarchy 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 nodehierarchyaccess/nodehierarchyaccess.module \nodehierarchyaccess_nodeapi()
  2. 6.2 nodehierarchyaccess/nodehierarchyaccess.module \nodehierarchyaccess_nodeapi()

Implementation of hook_nodeapi().


nodehierarchyaccess/nodehierarchyaccess.module, line 22
A module to integrate nodehierarchy and nodeaccess.


function nodehierarchyaccess_nodeapi(&$node, $op) {

  // don't do anything unless nodeaccess and nodehierarchy are installed and the node has an assigned parent
  if (!module_exists("nodeaccess") || !module_exists("nodehierarchy")) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'presave':

      // NodeHierarchy will save over the old_menu_links plid before we can get
      // to it, so make a copy of it.
      for ($i = 0; $i < count(@$node->nodehierarchy_old_menu_links); $i++) {
        if (isset($node->nodehierarchy_menu_links[$i]['plid']) && $node->nodehierarchy_menu_links[$i]['plid'] !== $node->nodehierarchy_old_menu_links[$i]['plid']) {
          $node->nodehierarchyaccess_new_plid = TRUE;
    case 'insert':

      //  Insert will always inherit the permissions from the parent node
      $new_parent_nid = _nodehierarchyaccess_get_parent_nid($node->nid);
      $grants = _nodehierarchyaccess_get_node_grants($new_parent_nid);
      _nodehierarchyaccess_update_node_access($node, $grants);
    case 'update':

      //  Update will only inherit permissions from the parent node if the
      //  node's parent has changed. All changes will also be applied to the
      //  children nodes.
      if (@$node->nodehierarchyaccess_new_plid === TRUE) {
        $new_parent_nid = _nodehierarchyaccess_get_parent_nid($node->nid);
        $grants = _nodehierarchyaccess_get_node_grants($new_parent_nid);
        _nodehierarchyaccess_update_node_access($node, $grants);
        _nodehierarchyaccess_set_descendant_grants($node->nid, $grants);