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function _nodehierarchy_widgets_is_invalid_parent in Node Hierarchy 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 nodehierarchy_widgets/nodehierarchy_widgets.module \_nodehierarchy_widgets_is_invalid_parent()
  2. 7.4 nodehierarchy_widgets/nodehierarchy_widgets.module \_nodehierarchy_widgets_is_invalid_parent()
  3. 7.2 nodehierarchy_widgets/nodehierarchy_widgets.module \_nodehierarchy_widgets_is_invalid_parent()

Return a list of menu items that are valid possible parents for the given node.

1 call to _nodehierarchy_widgets_is_invalid_parent()
_nodehierarchy_widgets_autocomplete_parent_validate in nodehierarchy_widgets/nodehierarchy_widgets.module
Validate a node hierarchy autocomplete in the format 'Tile [nid:xx]' or '[nid:xx]' or 'Title'.


nodehierarchy_widgets/nodehierarchy_widgets.module, line 118
Alternative parent selector widgets for Node Hierarchy.


function _nodehierarchy_widgets_is_invalid_parent($parent_nid, $child_nid, $child_type) {
  $parent = node_load($parent_nid);

  // Check for a valid parent type.
  if (!$parent) {
    return t('The specified parent cannot be found');

  // Check for a valid parent type.
  $types = nodehierarchy_get_allowed_parent_types($child_type);
  if (!in_array($parent->type, $types)) {
    return t('%title cannot be a parent of this node because %type is not an allowed parent node type.', array(
      '%title' => $parent->title,
      '%type' => node_get_types('name', $parent->type),

  // Check that the parent is not a descendant of the given node.
  $ancestors = nodehierarchy_get_node_ancestor_nids($parent_nid);
  if (in_array($child_nid, $ancestors)) {
    return t('%title cannot be a parent of this node it is a descendant of the node.', array(
      '%title' => $parent->title,
  return FALSE;