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function _nodehierarchy_swap_menu_order in Node Hierarchy 5

Reorder the child menus of the given parent.


./nodehierarchy.module, line 991
A module to make nodes hierarchical.


function _nodehierarchy_swap_menu_order($parent, $a, $b) {

  // Swap the weights of two items whose weights have beens swapped.
  // Only do so if the items have menu items which are children of their parent node's menu item.
  if ($parent_mid = _nodehierarchy_get_menu($parent)) {
    $a_menu = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT mid, weight FROM {menu} WHERE pid = %d AND path = 'node/%d'", $parent_mid, $a));
    $b_menu = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT mid, weight FROM {menu} WHERE pid = %d AND path = 'node/%d'", $parent_mid, $b));
    if ($a_menu && $b_menu) {

      // Swap the menu items.
      db_query("UPDATE {menu} SET weight = %d WHERE mid = %d", $a_menu['weight'], $b_menu['mid']);
      db_query("UPDATE {menu} SET weight = %d WHERE mid = %d", $b_menu['weight'], $a_menu['mid']);
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;