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function nodeformcols_nodeformcols_content_type_render in Node form columns 7

Output function for the 'nodeformcols' content type. Outputs a node form as displayed by the nodeformcols module.


plugins/content_types/, line 29
Renders the nodeformcols form in a panel pane. The entire panel is inside the <form> tag. Most of the code is from the CTools content type.


function nodeformcols_nodeformcols_content_type_render($subtype, $conf, $panel_args, &$context) {
  $block = new stdClass();
  $block->module = 'nodeformcols';
  $context->form['#theme'] = 'node_form';
  if (isset($context->form)) {
    $block->title = $context->form_title;
    if (!empty($context->form_id)) {

      // If this is a form, drupal_render it.
      $block->content = drupal_render($context->form);
    else {

      // Otherwise just spit back what we were given. This is probably an
      // error message or something.
      $block->content = $context->form;
    $block->delta = $context->form_id;
  else {
    $block->title = t('Form');
    $block->content = t('Form goes here.');
    $block->delta = 'unknown';
  return $block;