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function nodeaccess_set_grants in Nodeaccess 7

Set all grants for a node to nodeaccess table and acquire them.


$node: node object the grants are being applied to.

array $grants: array of grants as defined (@see nodeaccess_save_grant).

8 calls to nodeaccess_set_grants()
NodeaccesssPublishTestCase::testAuthoredView in tests/nodeaccess_publish.test
Test unpublished node visibility.
NodeaccesssPublishTestCase::testPublishedView in tests/nodeaccess_publish.test
Test standard, published node visibility.
NodeaccesssPublishTestCase::testUnpublishedView in tests/nodeaccess_publish.test
Test unpublished node visibility.
NodeaccesssRoleTestCase::testRoleNodeVisibilityAllAuthenticatedOnly in tests/nodeaccess_role.test
Test node access when authenticated only should have full access.
NodeaccesssRoleTestCase::testRoleNodeVisibilityFullAccess in tests/nodeaccess_role.test
Test node access when anon and authenticated users should have full access.

... See full list


./nodeaccess.module, line 992
Provide per node access control


function nodeaccess_set_grants($node, $grants = array()) {

  // Allow other modules to edit all grants for array.
  drupal_alter('nodeaccess_grants', $grants, $node);
  if (count($grants)) {
    foreach ($grants as $grant) {

      // Allow other modules to edit single grants.
      drupal_alter('nodeaccess_grant', $grant, $node);
      nodeaccess_save_grant($node, $grant);