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function _node_revision_delete_get_donation_text in Node Revision Delete 7.3

Returns a donation message to print in module pages.

Return value

string The donation message.

3 calls to _node_revision_delete_get_donation_text()
node_revision_delete_admin_settings_form in ./
Form constructor for Node Revision Delete administration form.
node_revision_delete_form_node_revision_delete_confirm_alter in ./node_revision_delete.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
node_revision_generate_form in modules/node_revision_generate/node_revision_generate.module
Generate revisions form.


./, line 428
Helper functions.


function _node_revision_delete_get_donation_text() {
  return '<div class="description">' . t('If you would like to say thanks and support the development of this module, a <a target="_blank" href="@url">donation</a> will be much appreciated.', array(
    '@url' => '',
  )) . '</div>';