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NodeRevisionGenerateTest.php in Node Revision Delete 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\node_revision_generate\Unit;

use Drupal\node_revision_generate\NodeRevisionGenerateBatch;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Drupal\node_revision_generate\NodeRevisionGenerate;
use Drupal\Tests\node_revision_generate\Traits\NodeRevisionGenerateTestTrait;

 * Tests the NodeRevisionGenerate class methods.
 * @group node_revision_generate
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\node_revision_generate\NodeRevisionGenerate
class NodeRevisionGenerateTest extends UnitTestCase {
  use NodeRevisionGenerateTestTrait;

   * Drupal\Core\Database\Driver\mysql\Connection definition.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  protected $connection;

   * A date time instance.
   * @var \Drupal\Component\Datetime\TimeInterface|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  protected $time;

   * The NodeRevisionGenerate Object.
   * @var \Drupal\node_revision_generate\NodeRevisionGenerate
  protected $nodeRevisionGenerate;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {

    // Time mock.
    $this->time = $this

    // Connection mock.
    $this->connection = $this

    // Creating the object.
    $this->nodeRevisionGenerate = new NodeRevisionGenerate($this->time, $this->connection, $this

   * Tests the getRevisionCreationBatch() method.
   * @param array $expected
   *   The expected result from calling the function.
   * @param array $nodes_for_revisions
   *   The nodes for revisions array.
   * @param int $revisions_number
   *   Number of revisions to generate.
   * @param int $revisions_age
   *   Interval in Unix timestamp format to add to the last revision date of the
   *   node.
   * @covers ::getRevisionCreationBatch
   * @dataProvider providerGetRevisionCreationBatch
  public function testGetRevisionCreationBatch(array $expected, array $nodes_for_revisions, $revisions_number, $revisions_age) {

    // Mocking getRequestTime method.

    // Testing the method.
      ->assertEquals($expected, $this->nodeRevisionGenerate
      ->getRevisionCreationBatch($nodes_for_revisions, $revisions_number, $revisions_age));

   * Data provider for testGetRevisionCreationBatch().
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing:
   *   - 'expected' - Expected return from ::getRevisionCreationBatch().
   *   - 'nodes_for_revisions' - The nodes for revisions array.
   *   - 'revisions_number' -  Number of revisions to generate.
   *   - 'revisions_age' - Time to add to the last revision date of the node.
   * @see testGetRevisionCreationBatch()
  public function providerGetRevisionCreationBatch() {

    // Sets of revisions.
    $revisions = $this

    // The number of revisions to generate.
    $number = [

    // Set for the revisions age option.
    $revisions_age = $this

    // The batch.
    $batch_template = [
      'title' => $this
        ->translate('Generating revisions'),
      'init_message' => $this
        ->translate('Starting to create revisions.'),
      'progress_message' => $this
        ->translate('Processed @current out of @total (@percentage%). Estimated time: @estimate.'),
      'error_message' => $this
        ->translate('The revision creation process has encountered an error.'),
      'operations' => [],
      'finished' => [
      'file' => NULL,
      'library' => [],
      'url_options' => [],
      'progressive' => TRUE,
    $expected = [];

    // Creating the expected arrays.
    foreach ($revisions as $set => $nodes_for_revisions) {
      $expected[$set] = $batch_template;

      // Building batch operations, one per revision.
      foreach ($nodes_for_revisions as $node) {
        $revision_timestamp = $node->revision_timestamp;

        // Initializing variables.
        $i = 0;
        $revision_timestamp += $revisions_age[$set];

        // Adding operations.
        while ($i < $number[$set] && $revision_timestamp <= $this
          ->getRequestTime()) {

          // Adding the operation.
          $expected[$set]['operations'][] = [
          $revision_timestamp += $revisions_age[$set];
    $tests = [];
    $tests['t1'] = [
    $tests['t2'] = [
    $tests['t3'] = [
    $tests['t4'] = [
    $tests['t5'] = [
    return $tests;

   * Tests the getAvailableNodesForRevisions() method.
   * @param array $expected
   *   The expected result from calling the function.
   * @param array $bundles
   *   An array with the selected content types to generate node revisions.
   * @param int $revisions_age
   *   Interval in Unix timestamp format to add to the last revision date of the
   *   node.
   * @covers ::getAvailableNodesForRevisions
   * @dataProvider providerGetAvailableNodesForRevisions
  public function testGetAvailableNodesForRevisions(array $expected, array $bundles, $revisions_age) {

    // Mocking getRequestTime method.

    // Variable with the placeholders arguments needed for the expression.
    $interval_time = [
      ':interval' => $revisions_age,
      ':current_time' => $this

    // StatementInterface mock.
    $statement = $this

    // StatementInterface::fetchAll mock.

    // SelectInterface mock.
    $select = $this

    // SelectInterface::execute mock.

    // SelectInterface::where mock.
      ->with('revision.revision_timestamp + :interval <= :current_time', $interval_time)

    // SelectInterface::condition mock.
    ], [
      ->returnSelf(), $this

    // SelectInterface::isNotNull mock.

    // SelectInterface::addField mock.
    ], [
      ->returnSelf(), $this

    // SelectInterface::leftJoin mock.
      ->with('node_revision', 'revision', 'node.vid = revision.vid')

    // Mocking select method.
      ->with('node_field_data', 'node')

    // Testing the method.
      ->assertEquals($expected, $this->nodeRevisionGenerate
      ->getAvailableNodesForRevisions($bundles, $revisions_age));

   * Data provider for testGetAvailableNodesForRevisions().
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing:
   *   - 'expected' - Expected return from ::getAvailableNodesForRevisions().
   *   - 'bundles' - The content types to generate node revisions.
   *   - 'revisions_age' - Time to add to the last revision date of the node.
   * @see testGetAvailableNodesForRevisions()
  public function providerGetAvailableNodesForRevisions() {

    // Set for the bundles.
    $bundles = [];
    $bundles[0] = [
    $bundles[1] = [
    $bundles[2] = [

    // Set for the revisions age option.
    $revisions_age = $this

    // Getting the expected revisions.
    $expected = $this
    $tests = [];
    $tests['t1'] = [
    $tests['t2'] = [
    $tests['t3'] = [
    $tests['t4'] = [
    $tests['t5'] = [
    return $tests;

   * Returns the revisions array.
   * @return array
   *   The revisions.
  private function getRevisions() {
    $node1 = new \stdClass();
    $node1->nid = 1;
    $node1->revision_timestamp = 1570222375;
    $node2 = new \stdClass();
    $node2->nid = 2;
    $node2->revision_timestamp = 1569253391;
    $node3 = new \stdClass();
    $node3->nid = 3;
    $node3->revision_timestamp = 1550234556;
    return [

   * Returns the request time.
   * @return int
   *   The request time.
  private function getRequestTime() {
    return 1579631058;

   * Tests the existsNodesContentType() method.
   * @param bool $expected
   *   The expected result from calling the function.
   * @param string $content_type
   *   Content type machine name.
   * @covers ::existsNodesContentType
   * @dataProvider providerExistsNodesContentType
  public function testExistsNodesContentType($expected, $content_type) {

    // StatementInterface mock.
    $statement = $this

    // StatementInterface::fetchAll mock.

    // SelectInterface mock.
    $select = $this

    // SelectInterface::execute mock.

    // SelectInterface::countQuery mock.

    // SelectInterface::condition mock.
      ->with('type', $content_type)

    // SelectInterface::addField mock.
      ->with('node', 'nid')

    // Mocking select method.

    // Testing the method.
      ->assertEquals($expected, $this->nodeRevisionGenerate

   * Data provider for testExistsNodesContentType().
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing:
   *   - 'expected' - Expected return from ::getAvailableNodesForRevisions().
   *   - 'content_type' - The content types to generate node revisions.
   * @see testExistsNodesContentType()
  public function providerExistsNodesContentType() {
    $tests = [];
    $tests['t1'] = [
    $tests['t2'] = [
    $tests['t3'] = [
    $tests['t4'] = [
    $tests['t5'] = [
    return $tests;



Namesort descending Description
NodeRevisionGenerateTest Tests the NodeRevisionGenerate class methods.