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class NodeRegistrationNodeSettings in Node registration 7

Node settings class.

Will be available in EVERY node->registration.


Expanded class hierarchy of NodeRegistrationNodeSettings


includes/, line 15
Node settings class.

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class NodeRegistrationNodeSettings {
  public $nid = 0;
  public $node_type_settings;
  public $node;
  public $more_settings = array();
  public $cache = array();

   * Init the node registration node settings object.
  public function __construct($node) {
    $nid = empty($node->nid) ? 0 : (int) $node->nid;
    $type = $node->type;

    // Save parent/owner.
    $this->nid = $nid;
    $this->node = $node;

    // Don't do anything for disabled content types.
    if (!_node_registration_node_type_enabled($type)) {

    // Node type settings.
    $node_type_settings = _node_registration_node_type_settings($type);

    // Fetch node settings.
    $settings = db_select('node_registration_node', 'rn')
      ->condition('nid', $nid, '=')
    if ($settings) {

      // Store node settings.

      // Serialized settings.
      if ($more_settings = @unserialize($settings['settings'])) {
        $this->more_settings = $more_settings;

    // Shortcuts for anonymous and authenticated access by # slots.
    $this->allow_anonymous = 0 < $this->max_slots_per_registration_anonymous;
    $this->allow_authenticated = 0 < $this->max_slots_per_registration_authenticated;

   * Whether this event's registration is enabled.
  public function enabled() {
    return 1 == (int) $this
      ->setting('status', 0);

   * The capacity for this event.
  public function capacity() {
    return $this
      ->_cache(__FUNCTION__, function ($settings) {

      // Use capacity from node field.
      if ($capacity_field = $settings->capacity_field) {
        $items = field_get_items('node', $settings->node, $capacity_field);
        if ($items) {
          $item = $items[0];
          return max(0, (int) $item['value']);

        // No max.
        return 0;

      // Use capacity from node settings or registration type settings.
      return max(0, (int) $settings
        ->setting('capacity', 0));

   * The event's start date + time.
  public function date() {
    return $this
      ->_cache(__FUNCTION__, function ($settings) {
      $settings->date_value = FALSE;
      if ($utc = $settings
        ->site_utc()) {
        return date('c', $utc);
      return FALSE;

   * Helper to get the node date's UTC via the site timezone.
  public function site_utc() {
    return $this
      ->_cache(__FUNCTION__, function ($settings) {
      return $settings

   * Returns the event's end date + time.
   * @see NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::max_registration_time()
  public function get_end_date() {
    return $this

   * Retrieves the time for a given date field in this node.
  public function time_from_date_field($date_field) {
    if ($date_field) {
      list($date_field, $column) = explode(':', $date_field . ':value');
      $items = field_get_items('node', $this->node, $date_field);
      if ($items) {
        $item = $items[0];

        // I stole the next part from date_tokens().
        $date = new DateObject($item[$column], $item['timezone_db'], date_type_format($item['date_type']));
        if ($date && $item['timezone_db'] != $item['timezone']) {
          date_timezone_set($date, timezone_open($item['timezone']));
        $utc = $date ? (int) date_format_date($date, 'custom', 'U') : 0;

        // That part.
        return $utc;

    // Not NULL, for caching/isset purposes.
    return FALSE;

   * Retrieves the minimum registration time for this event.
   * The time source is dubious: node field value or node settings `start_date`.
  public function min_registration_time(&$origin = NULL) {

    // Get setting from node field values.
    $date_field = $this->min_registration_date_field;
    if ($time = $this
      ->time_from_date_field($date_field)) {
      $origin = 'node field value (' . $date_field . ')';
      return $time;

    // DEPRECATED: Get setting from node settings.
    if ($this->start_date) {
      $time = strtotime($this->start_date);
      $origin = 'registration node settings: ' . $this->start_date;
      return $time;

    // This event has no minimum registration time.
    $origin = '';

   * Whether the minimum registration time has passed.
  public function min_registration_time_passed(&$reason = NULL) {
    if ($min_registration_time = $this
      ->min_registration_time($origin)) {
      if ($min_registration_time > REQUEST_TIME) {
        $reason = 'future: ' . $origin;
        return FALSE;
    $reason = '';
    return TRUE;

   * Retrieves the maximum registration time for this event.
  public function max_registration_time(&$origin = NULL) {

    // Get setting from node field values.
    $date_field = $this->max_registration_date_field;
    if ($time = $this
      ->time_from_date_field($date_field)) {
      $origin = 'node field value (' . $date_field . ')';
      return $time;

    // Get setting from node or registration type settings.
    if ($this->allow_registration_until) {
      if ($event_start = $this
        ->site_utc()) {
        $max_time = _node_registration_strtotime($event_start, $this->allow_registration_until);
        $origin = 'event date (' . $event_start . ') - allow until (' . $this->allow_registration_until . ')';
        return $max_time;

    // This event has no maximum registration time.
    $origin = '';

   * Whether the maximum registration time has passed.
  public function max_registration_time_passed(&$reason = NULL) {
    if ($max_registration_time = $this
      ->max_registration_time($origin)) {
      if ($max_registration_time < REQUEST_TIME) {
        $reason = 'passed: ' . $origin;
        return TRUE;
    $reason = '';
    return FALSE;

   * Whether the maximum cancellation time for this event has passed.
  public function max_cancel_time_passed() {
    if ($event_start = $this
      ->site_utc()) {
      $before = $this->allow_cancellation_until;
      $max_cancel_time = $before ? _node_registration_strtotime($event_start, $before) : FALSE;
      if ($max_cancel_time && $max_cancel_time <= REQUEST_TIME) {
        return TRUE;

   * Whether the reminder time for this event has passed.
  public function reminder_time_passed() {
    if ($event_start = $this
      ->site_utc()) {
      $before = $this->send_reminders_before;
      $reminder_time = $before ? _node_registration_strtotime($event_start, $before) : FALSE;

      // Return a bool if there is a reminder time.
      if ($reminder_time) {
        return $reminder_time <= REQUEST_TIME;

    // Return NULL if there isn't a reminder time.

   * Returns a given setting by name.
  public function setting($name, $alternative = NULL) {

    // Get setting from node settings.
    if (isset($this->{$name})) {
      return $this->{$name};
    elseif (isset($this->node_type_settings->{$name})) {
      return $this->node_type_settings->{$name};
    return $alternative;

   * Updates this node's registration settings.
  public function update($settings = NULL) {

    // If no argument was passed, persist the current settings.
    if ($settings === NULL) {

      // Only save if this node already had custom settings. Don't ALWAYS copy node type
      // settings into it.
      if (!$this->more_settings) {
      $settings = get_object_vars($this);
    $allowed_native = array(
      'nid' => 0,
      'capacity' => 1,
      'status' => 1,
      'private_fields' => 1,
    $allowed_extra = _node_registration_defaults();
    $extra = $this->more_settings;
    $native = array();
    foreach ($settings as $name => $value) {
      if (isset($allowed_native[$name])) {
        if ($allowed_native[$name]) {
          $native[$name] = $value;
      else {
        if (isset($allowed_extra[$name]) || strpos($name, 'extra_') === 0) {
          $extra[$name] = $value;
    $native['settings'] = serialize($extra);
    return db_merge('node_registration_node')
      'nid' => $this->nid,

   * Save values into the settings object.
  protected function _fill($values) {
    foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
      if (NULL !== $value) {
        $this->{$name} = $value;

   * Fallback for missing settings: NULL instead of a PHP notice.
  public function __get($name) {
    return $this

   * Internal (per object) cache helper.
  public function _cache($name, $callback) {
    if (!isset($this->cache[$name])) {
      $this->cache[$name] = $callback($this);
    return $this->cache[$name];



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::$cache public property
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::$more_settings public property
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::$nid public property
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::$node public property
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::$node_type_settings public property
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::capacity public function The capacity for this event.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::date public function The event's start date + time.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::enabled public function Whether this event's registration is enabled.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::get_end_date public function Returns the event's end date + time.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::max_cancel_time_passed public function Whether the maximum cancellation time for this event has passed.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::max_registration_time public function Retrieves the maximum registration time for this event.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::max_registration_time_passed public function Whether the maximum registration time has passed.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::min_registration_time public function Retrieves the minimum registration time for this event.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::min_registration_time_passed public function Whether the minimum registration time has passed.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::reminder_time_passed public function Whether the reminder time for this event has passed.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::setting public function Returns a given setting by name.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::site_utc public function Helper to get the node date's UTC via the site timezone.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::time_from_date_field public function Retrieves the time for a given date field in this node.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::update public function Updates this node's registration settings.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::_cache public function Internal (per object) cache helper.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::_fill protected function Save values into the settings object.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::__construct public function Init the node registration node settings object.
NodeRegistrationNodeSettings::__get public function Fallback for missing settings: NULL instead of a PHP notice.