function node_recur_generate_dates_rule in Node recur 7
Generate an array of recurring dates based on the provided rule criteria
$node: The node that's being recurred
$date: The initial starting date belonging to the node that will be recurring. Can be in string or numeric format.
$frequency: The frequency that the period occurs, ie, every 5 days, the frequency would be 5.
$period: The period of each frequency, ie, every 5 days, the period will be 'day'. It can also be 'week' or 'month'.
$until: The date to recur until. Can be in string or numeric format.
$weekends: TRUE if weekends should be included.
Return value
An array of timestamps
1 call to node_recur_generate_dates_rule()
- node_recur_generate_dates_from_form in ./
node_recur.module - Generate dates from a form state
- ./
node_recur.module, line 307
function node_recur_generate_dates_rule($node, $date, $frequency, $period, $until, $weekends = TRUE) {
$dates = array();
$month = FALSE;
// Convert date and until date to timestamp, if needed
$date = is_string($date) ? strtotime($date) : $date;
$until = is_string($until) ? strtotime($until) : $until;
// Make sure we have valid timestamps
if (!is_numeric($date) || !is_numeric($until)) {
return FALSE;
// Make sure the until is ahead of the date
if ($date >= $until) {
return FALSE;
// Convert month period to weeks, in order to preserve the day
// of the week
if ($period == 'month') {
$frequency = $frequency * 4;
$period = 'week';
$month = TRUE;
// Track the current date
$current = $date;
// Iterate and generate dates until we reach the end
while (TRUE) {
// Generate the next date
$next = strtotime("+{$frequency} " . format_plural($frequency, $period, "{$period}s"), $current);
// If this is a month recur, we need to make sure the the next date
// is on the next month. Some months have 5 repeats of the same day
if ($month && date('n', $next) == date('n', $current)) {
// Jump forward one more week
$next = strtotime('+1 week', $next);
$current = $next;
// Make sure date is in the future, if the settings dictate that
if (!node_recur_allow_past_dates($node->type) && $next < REQUEST_TIME) {
// If we're excluding weekends, skip this if it's a weekend
if (!$weekends) {
$day = date('D', $next);
if ($day == 'Sun' || $day == 'Sat') {
// See if this date puts us past the limit
if ($next > $until) {
$dates[] = $current;
return $dates;