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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Node Limit 8

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
NodeLimit class Drupal\node_limit\Entity src/Entity/NodeLimit.php Defines the NodeLimit entity.
NodeLimitDeleteForm class Drupal\node_limit\Form src/Form/NodeLimitDeleteForm.php Builds the form to delete a NodeLimit.
NodeLimitForm class Drupal\node_limit\Form src/Form/NodeLimitForm.php Builds the NodeLimitForm form.
NodeLimitInterface interface Drupal\node_limit src/NodeLimitInterface.php Provides an interface defining a NodeLimit entity. 1 1
NodeLimitListBuilder class Drupal\node_limit\Controller src/Controller/NodeLimitListBuilder.php Provides a listing of NodeLimit.

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