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function node_import_write_to_string in Node import 6

Returns one line in the specified file format of the array of values.


$values: Array of strings.

$file_options: Array with 'record separator', 'field separator', 'text delimiter' and 'escape character'. If not set, the options default to the CSV options ("\n", ',', '"', '"').

Return value


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function node_import_write_to_string($values, $file_options) {

  // File options.
  $rs = $file_options['record separator'];
  $fs = $file_options['field separator'];
  $td = $file_options['text delimiter'];
  $ec = $file_options['escape character'];

  // Write data.
  $output = '';
  if (is_array($values) && !empty($values)) {

    // TODO: we could avoid writing $td if the $value does not contain $td, $fs or $rs.
    if (drupal_strlen($td) > 0) {
      foreach ($values as $i => $value) {
        $values[$i] = $td . str_replace($td, $ec . $td, $value) . $td;
    $output = implode($fs, $values);
  return $output . $rs;