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function node_import_check_weight in Node import 6

Check if the value is a valid weight (integer between -X and X).

Uses: $field['delta'].

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./, line 1359
Public API of the Node import module.


function node_import_check_weight(&$value, $field, $options, $preview) {
  $weight = isset($field['delta']) ? $field['delta'] : 10;
  if (is_numeric($value) && intval($value) <= $weight && intval($value) >= -$weight) {
    $value = intval($value);
    return TRUE;
  node_import_input_error(t('Input error: %value is not allowed for %name (not a weight).', array(
    '%value' => $value,
    '%name' => $field['title'],
  return FALSE;