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node-gallery-image-navigator.tpl.php in Node Gallery 6.3

Default theme implementation to show a 6 column table containing the image navigator.

Available variables: @todo: fill this in

See also



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 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to show a 6 column table containing the image navigator.
 * Available variables:
 * @todo: fill this in
 * @see theme_preprocess_gallery_image_navigator()
<table id="node-gallery-image-navigator" class="image-navigator">
    <tr class="odd">
      <td class="image-navigator-position">

print t("%current of %total", array(
  '%current' => $navigator['current'],
  '%total' => $navigator['total'],
      <td class="image-navigator-first">

print isset($first_link) ? '<a href="' . $first_link . '">&lt;&lt; ' . t('First') . '</a>' : '&nbsp;';
      <td class="image-navigator-prev">

print isset($prev_link) ? '<a href="' . $prev_link . '">&lt; ' . t('Previous') . '</a>' : '&nbsp;';
      <td class="image-navigator-next">

print isset($next_link) ? '<a href="' . $next_link . '">' . t('Next') . ' &gt;</a>' : '&nbsp;';
      <td class="image-navigator-last">

print isset($last_link) ? '<a href="' . $last_link . '">' . t('Last') . ' &gt;&gt;</a>' : '&nbsp;';
      <td class="image-navigator-gallery-link">

print '<a href="' . $gallery_link . '">' . t("Back to gallery") . '</a>';