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node_gallery.module in Node Gallery 6.3

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6 node_gallery.module
  2. 6.2 node_gallery.module
  3. 7 node_gallery.module

Node gallery module file.


View source

// @todo RSS testing
// @todo When adding a new relationship, we have to add the
//   field_node_gallery_image field if not already present.
// @todo Flickr-style navigation block - perhaps using jcarousel?
// @todo Simpletest integration
// @todo Make sure we use db_rewrite_sql everywhere we should be
// @todo integrate with Storage API?

 * @file
 * Node gallery module file.
define("NODE_GALLERY_PERM_ADMIN_GALLERY", 'administer node gallery');
define("NODE_GALLERY_PERM_VIEW_GALLERY", 'view node gallery');
define("NODE_GALLERY_PERM_UPLOAD_TO_ALL_GALLERIES", 'upload to all galleries');
define("NODE_GALLERY_VIEW_TEASER", 'teaser');
define("NODE_GALLERY_VIEW_IMAGE_LIST", 'gallery');
module_load_include('inc', 'node_gallery', 'node_gallery');
module_load_include('', 'node_gallery', 'node_gallery');
if (module_exists('token')) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'node_gallery', 'node_gallery.token');

 * Implements hook_init().
function node_gallery_init() {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'node_gallery') . '/node_gallery.css');

  // Use the administrative theme if the user is looking at the upload page
  // and has "use admin theme while editing content" enabled
  // @todo: We should document this as a FAQ for people with themes that don't work with plupload.
  if (variable_get('node_admin_theme', '0') && arg(0) == 'node' && (arg(2) == 'upload' || arg(2) == 'images' || arg(2) == 'sort')) {
    global $custom_theme;
    $custom_theme = variable_get('admin_theme', '0');
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'system') . '/admin.css', 'module');

 * Implements hook_perm().
function node_gallery_perm() {

  // If we use the constants, translation template extractor complains
  return array(
    'administer node gallery',
    'view node gallery',
    'upload to all galleries',

 * Implements hook_help().
function node_gallery_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'node/%/images':
      if (node_gallery_user_access('administer')) {
        return '<p>' . t('To configure what is displayed on this form, review the "Manage Images Fields" fieldset under <a href="!admin">Node Gallery administration</a>.', array(
          '!admin' => url('admin/settings/node_gallery'),
        )) . '</p>';
    case 'node/%/upload':
      if (module_exists('plupload')) {
        return '<p>' . t('To edit image data after uploading please visit the <a href="!manage">Manage Images</a> tab.', array(
          '!manage' => url('node/' . $arg[1] . '/images'),
        )) . '</p>';
      elseif (node_gallery_user_access('administer')) {
        return '<p>' . t('To enable seamless bulk image uploading please install the <a href="!plupload">plupload integration</a> module.', array(
          '!plupload' => url(''),
        )) . '</p>';
    case 'node/%/sort':
      $output .= '<p>' . t('To change the weight of the gallery images, drag and drop them below.') . '  ';
      if (module_exists('jquery_ui') && variable_get('node_gallery_jquery_ui_integration', TRUE)) {
        if (arg(3) == 'no_jquery') {
          $output .= t('If you wish to use the jquery drag & drop sorting, <a href="!jquery">click here</a>.', array(
            '!jquery' => url('node/' . $arg[1] . '/sort'),
          )) . '</p>';
        else {
          $output .= t('If you wish to use the standard sort form which contains more data, <a href="!nojquery">click here</a>.', array(
            '!nojquery' => url('node/' . $arg[1] . '/sort/no_jquery'),
          )) . '</p>';
      return $output;
    case 'admin/help#node_gallery':
      $output = '<p>' . t('Node Gallery integrates with the <a href="!advanced_help">advanced help</a> module for help.  Please install that, or visit the <a href="!ng">Node Gallery project page</a> and use the demo link to browse help online.', array(
        '!advanced_help' => url(''),
        '!ng' => '',
      return $output;
function node_gallery_multi_node_access($ops, $types) {
  foreach ($ops as $op) {
    $type = array_shift($types);
    if (!node_access($op, $type)) {
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Implements hook_menu().
function node_gallery_menu() {
  $items = array();
  if (module_exists('plupload') && variable_get('node_gallery_plupload_integration', TRUE) && variable_get('node_gallery_plupload_wizard', TRUE)) {
    foreach (node_gallery_get_all_relationships() as $relationship) {
      $types = node_get_types('types');
      $image_type = $types[$relationship['image_type']];
      $gallery_type = $types[$relationship['gallery_type']];
      $type_url_str = str_replace('_', '-', $relationship['image_type']);
      $name = check_plain($image_type->name);
      $items['node/add/ng-wizard/' . $relationship['image_type']] = array(
        'title' => 'New !gallery of !image images using the bulk upload tool',
        'title arguments' => array(
          '!gallery' => $gallery_type->name,
          '!image' => $image_type->name,
        'page callback' => 'node_gallery_upload_image_to_new_gallery_form',
        'page arguments' => array(
        'access callback' => 'node_gallery_multi_node_access',
        'access arguments' => array(
        'description' => 'Upload multiple images at once, and then assign them to a new gallery.',
        'file' => '',
  $items['admin/settings/node_gallery'] = array(
    'title' => 'Node Gallery',
    'description' => 'Create and manage your Node Gallery relationships.',
    'page callback' => 'node_gallery_relationship_list',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
  $items['admin/settings/node_gallery/list'] = array(
    'title' => 'List',
    'weight' => -10,
  $items['admin/settings/node_gallery/settings'] = array(
    'title' => 'Global Settings',
    'description' => "Manage node gallery's global settings.",
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  $items['admin/settings/node_gallery/add'] = array(
    'title' => 'Add a Gallery Relationship',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  $items['admin/settings/node_gallery/relationship/content_types/%node_gallery_relationship'] = array(
    'title' => 'Node Gallery - Edit Relationship Content Types',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['admin/settings/node_gallery/relationship/settings/%node_gallery_relationship'] = array(
    'title' => 'Node Gallery - Edit Relationship Settings',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['admin/settings/node_gallery/delete/%node_gallery_relationship'] = array(
    'title' => 'Node Gallery - Delete Configuration',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['node/%node_gallery_gallery/browse'] = array(
    'title' => 'Browse Images',
    'page callback' => 'node_gallery_browse_images',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['node/%node_gallery_gallery/sort'] = array(
    'title' => 'Sort Images',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'node_gallery_user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'edit image',
    'file' => '',
    'weight' => -4,
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  $items['node-gallery/json/gallery/create/%/%'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'node_gallery_json_create_gallery',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => TRUE,
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['node-gallery/json/gallery/%node_gallery_gallery/sort'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'node_gallery_json_get_sorted_images',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'node_gallery_user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'edit image',
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['node-gallery/json/gallery/%node_gallery_gallery/images'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'node_gallery_json_get_images',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'node_gallery_user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['node/%node_gallery_gallery/images'] = array(
    'title' => 'Manage Images',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'node_gallery_user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'edit image',
    'file' => '',
    'weight' => -3,
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,

  // Alias /manage to /images
  $items['node/%node_gallery_gallery/manage'] = $items['node/%node_gallery_gallery/images'];
  $items['node/%node_gallery_gallery/manage']['type'] = MENU_CALLBACK;

  // Callback for AHAH add more buttons.
  $items['node-gallery/json/js_add_more'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'node_gallery_content_add_more_js',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'access content',
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['node/%node_gallery_gallery/upload'] = array(
    'title' => 'Upload New Images',
    'page callback' => 'node_gallery_upload_image_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'node_gallery_user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'weight' => -2,
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  if (module_exists('imagefield_import')) {
    $items['node/%node_gallery_gallery/import'] = array(
      'title' => 'Import Images',
      'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => 'node_gallery_user_access',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'weight' => -1,
      'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  $items['galleries'] = array(
    'title' => 'Gallery List',
    'page callback' => 'node_gallery_list_galleries',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
  $items['my-galleries/%user_uid_optional'] = array(
    'title' => 'My Galleries',
    'page callback' => 'node_gallery_list_galleries',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'node_gallery_user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'view My Galleries',
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
  $items['galleries/%user'] = array(
    'title' => 'User Galleries',
    'title callback' => 'node_gallery_list_galleries_title',
    'title arguments' => array(
    'page callback' => 'node_gallery_list_galleries',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

 * Implementation hook_views_api().
function node_gallery_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => 2.0,
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'node_gallery') . '/views2inc',

 * Implements hook_theme().
function node_gallery_theme() {
  $file = '';
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'node_gallery') . "/theme";
  $themes = array(
    'node_gallery_image_navigator' => array(
      'template' => 'node-gallery-image-navigator',
      'arguments' => array(
        'navigator' => NULL,
        'image' => NULL,
    'node_gallery_manage_images_form' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,
    'gallery_edit_images_form' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,
    'node_gallery_sort_images_form' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,
    'node_gallery_sort_images_grid' => array(
      'template' => 'node-gallery-sort-images-grid',
      'arguments' => array(
        'images' => NULL,
    'node_gallery_sort_images_grid_item' => array(
      'template' => 'node-gallery-sort-images-grid-item',
      'arguments' => array(
        'image' => NULL,
    'node_gallery_content_multiple_values' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'element' => NULL,
  foreach (imagecache_presets() as $preset) {
    $themes['node_gallery_formatter_' . $preset['presetname'] . '_nextimagelink'] = array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'element' => NULL,
      'function' => 'theme_node_gallery_formatter_nextimagelink',
    $themes['node_gallery_formatter_' . $preset['presetname'] . '_gallerylink'] = array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'element' => NULL,
      'function' => 'theme_node_gallery_formatter_gallerylink',
  foreach ($themes as &$theme) {
    $theme['path'] = $path;
    $theme['file'] = $file;
  return $themes;
function node_gallery_create_gallery_redirect_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  if (!isset($form_state['node']['nid']) && isset($form_state['nid'])) {

    // It's a new gallery, not an edit.
    if (node_gallery_get_image_count($form_state['nid']) == 0) {

      // It's empty, send them to the upload page.
      $form_state['redirect'] = 'node/' . $form_state['nid'] . '/upload';

 * If the user selected the option to create a new gallery, create a stub gallery,
 * assign the images to that gallery, and redirect them to the gallery edit form.
 * @param $form
 *   The Drupal FAPI form array.
 * @param $form_state
 *   The Drupal FAPI form_state array.
function node_gallery_create_new_gallery_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  if ($form_state['values']['gid'] == 'new_gallery') {
    $relationship = node_gallery_get_relationship(NULL, $form_state['values']['type']);
    $content_type = $relationship['gallery_type'];
    $gallery = _node_gallery_create_new_gallery($content_type);
    $form_state['values']['gid'] = $gallery->nid;
    drupal_set_message(t('You have been redirected to your new auto-generated gallery edit page, please update the title and review the other settings before pressing save.'));
    $form_state['values']['redirect_to_gallery'] = TRUE;
function node_gallery_create_image_redirect_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  if ($form_state['values']['redirect_to_gallery'] == TRUE) {
    $form_state['redirect'] = 'node/' . $form_state['values']['gid'] . '/edit';

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
function node_gallery_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {

  // If displaying our VBO image weight form, theme it
  if (strpos($form_id, 'views_bulk_operations_form') !== FALSE && isset($form['node_gallery_change_image_weight_action']) && isset($form['#ngtheme'])) {
    $form['#theme'] = $form['#ngtheme'];
  elseif (isset($form['type']) && isset($form['#node']) && $form['type']['#value'] . '_node_form' == $form_id) {
    if (in_array($form['type']['#value'], (array) node_gallery_get_types('gallery'))) {

      // gallery node form
      $form['buttons']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'node_gallery_create_gallery_redirect_submit';
    elseif (in_array($form['type']['#value'], (array) node_gallery_get_types('image'))) {

      // image node form
      // remove group settings from image if OG is enabled
      if (module_exists('og')) {
        $form['og_nodeapi']['#access'] = FALSE;
      $image = $form['#node'];
      $context = array();
      if (!empty($image->gid)) {
        $context['gallerynid'] = $image->gid;
      else {
        $context['image_type'] = $form['type']['#value'];
      global $user;
      $uid = isset($image->uid) ? $image->uid : $user->uid;
      if (!empty($image->gid)) {
          'galleries/' . $uid,
          'node/' . $image->gid,
        ), $image);
      $menu_item = menu_get_item();
      if ($menu_item['path'] == 'node/%/upload') {

        // Pull the gallery object, and pre-fill in the gallery info
        $form['gid'] = array(
          '#type' => 'value',
          '#value' => $menu_item['map'][1]->nid,
      else {

        // We reuse the code from our action to display the gallery choice form
        $context['allow_new_gallery'] = TRUE;
        $gallery_form = node_gallery_change_gallery_action_form($context);
        $form = array_merge($form, $gallery_form);
        $form['#submit'][] = 'node_gallery_create_new_gallery_submit';
        $form['buttons']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'node_gallery_create_image_redirect_submit';
      $form['#validate'][] = 'node_gallery_change_gallery_action_validate';

      // Allow change of cover image here too
      $form['is_cover'] = array(
        '#title' => t('Set as Cover Image'),
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#weight' => -3,
        '#default_value' => !empty($image->is_cover) ? $image->is_cover : 0,

 * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function node_gallery_form_views_ui_delete_confirm_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
  node_gallery_form_views_ui_edit_view_form_alter($form, $form_state);
  $form['#submit'][] = 'node_gallery_sort_view_submit';

 * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function node_gallery_form_views_ui_edit_view_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
  $relationships = node_gallery_get_all_relationships();
  $sort_views = array();
  $gallery_types = array();
  foreach ($relationships as $relationship) {
    $setting = unserialize($relationship['settings']['view_navigator_image_display']);
    if ($setting !== FALSE) {
      $sort_views[] = $setting['name'];
      if (isset($gallery_types[$setting['name']])) {
        $gallery_types[$setting['name']][] = $relationship['gallery_type'];
      else {
        $gallery_types[$setting['name']] = array(
  if (!empty($sort_views) && !empty($form_state['view'])) {
    if (in_array($form_state['view']->name, $sort_views)) {
      $gids = array();
      foreach ($gallery_types[$form_state['view']->name] as $gallery_type) {
        $gids = array_merge($gids, node_gallery_get_gallery_gids($gallery_type));
      if (!empty($gids)) {
        $form['node_gallery_sort_view_gids'] = array(
          '#type' => 'value',
          '#value' => $gids,
        $form['buttons']['save']['#submit'][] = 'node_gallery_sort_view_submit';
function node_gallery_sort_view_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  if (!empty($form_state['values']['node_gallery_sort_view_gids'])) {
    foreach ($form_state['values']['node_gallery_sort_view_gids'] as $gid) {

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function node_gallery_form_node_delete_confirm_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $node = node_load($form['nid']['#value']);
  if (isset($node->gid) && in_array($node->type, (array) node_gallery_get_types('image'))) {
    $form['#redirect'] = 'node/' . $node->gid;
  elseif (in_array($node->type, (array) node_gallery_get_types('gallery'))) {
    $count = node_gallery_get_image_count($node->nid);
    if ($count > 0) {
      $form['description']['#value'] = format_plural($count, 'This action will delete the 1 image contained within this gallery and cannot be undone.', 'This action will delete the @count images contained within this gallery and cannot be undone.');

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function node_gallery_form_imagefield_import_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // We add the current gallery to the form values for node_saving later
  // Are we being called via a Gallery tab?
  $args = arg();
  if ($args[0] == 'node' && $args[2] == 'import') {
    $nid = $args[1];
    if (node_gallery_gallery_load($nid)) {
      $gid = $nid;
  if (empty($gid)) {

  // Yes, let's add the gid to the form, and add our submit handler to the array
  // Add our gid
  $form['files']['gid']['#tree'] = FALSE;
  $form['files']['gid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $gid,

 * Implements hook_nodeapi().
function node_gallery_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'load':
      if (in_array($node->type, (array) node_gallery_get_types('gallery'))) {
        $node->cover_image = node_gallery_get_cover_nid($node);
      if (in_array($node->type, (array) node_gallery_get_types('image'))) {
    case 'insert':
      if (in_array($node->type, (array) node_gallery_get_types('image'))) {
        if (module_exists('og')) {
          og_nodeapi($node, $op, $a3, $a4);
        drupal_write_record('node_gallery_images', $node);
        if ($node->pluploaded == TRUE && variable_get('node_gallery_plupload_manage_images_integration', TRUE)) {
          if (!isset($_SESSION['node_gallery_plupload_nids'][$node->gid])) {
            $_SESSION['node_gallery_plupload_nids'][$node->gid] = array();
          array_unshift($_SESSION['node_gallery_plupload_nids'][$node->gid], $node->nid);
      elseif (in_array($node->type, (array) node_gallery_get_types('gallery'))) {
        $node->gid = $node->nid;
        drupal_write_record('node_gallery_galleries', $node);
    case 'update':
      if (in_array($node->type, (array) node_gallery_get_types('image'))) {

        // If we've change gid's, clear both the old and the new gid caches
        if (isset($node->oldgid)) {

        // If we change an image's publish status, clear the caches
        $publish_status_changed = FALSE;
        $pos = node_gallery_get_image_position($node->gid, $node->nid);
        if ($node->status == 1) {

          // It should be in the cache, if not, clear them
          if (!isset($pos)) {
            $publish_status_changed = TRUE;
        else {

          // We should *not* be in the cache
          if (isset($pos)) {
            $publish_status_changed = TRUE;
        if ($publish_status_changed) {
        if (module_exists('og')) {
          og_nodeapi($node, $op, $a3, $a4);
        $image_exists = db_result(db_query('SELECT nid FROM {node_gallery_images} WHERE nid = %d', $node->nid));
        if ($image_exists) {
          drupal_write_record('node_gallery_images', $node, 'nid');
        else {
          drupal_write_record('node_gallery_images', $node);
      elseif (in_array($node->type, (array) node_gallery_get_types('gallery'))) {
        $node->gid = $node->nid;
        $old_node = node_load($node->nid);
        if ($node->status != $old_node->status) {

          // publish status changed
          _node_gallery_set_publish($node, $node->status);
        if (module_exists('og')) {
          $og_settings = array();
          if (isset($node->og_public) && $node->og_public != $old_node->og_public) {
            $og_settings['og_public'] = $node->og_public;
          if (isset($node->og_groups) && $node->og_groups != $old_node->og_groups) {
            $og_settings['og_groups'] = $node->og_groups;
          if (isset($node->og_groups_both) && $node->og_groups_both != $old_node->og_groups_both) {
            $og_settings['og_groups_both'] = $node->og_groups_both;
          if (!empty($og_settings)) {
            _node_gallery_update_group_settings($node, $og_settings);
        $gallery_exists = db_result(db_query('SELECT gid FROM {node_gallery_galleries} WHERE gid = %d', $node->nid));
        if ($gallery_exists) {
          drupal_write_record('node_gallery_galleries', $node, 'gid');
        else {
          drupal_write_record('node_gallery_galleries', $node);
        if (module_exists('pathauto')) {

          // Our tokens are all based off the gallery nid or title, no need for processing if those stay the same
          if ($node->title != $old_node->title || $node->gid != $old_node->gid) {
            $imagenids = node_gallery_get_image_nids($node->gid, FALSE, FALSE);
            if (count($imagenids) > 0) {
              if (function_exists('pathauto_node_update_alias_multiple')) {
                pathauto_node_update_alias_multiple($imagenids, 'bulkupdate');
              else {
    case 'presave':

      // Add random gid links for devel_generate
      if (!empty($node->devel_generate)) {
        static $gallerynids;
        $gallerytypes = (array) node_gallery_get_types('gallery');
        if (in_array($node->type, $gallerytypes)) {
          $gallerynids = array();
        $imagetypes = (array) node_gallery_get_types('image');
        if (in_array($node->type, $imagetypes)) {
          $i2g = node_gallery_get_image_to_gallery_types();
          if (!isset($gallerynids[$i2g[$node->type]])) {
            $gallerynids[$i2g[$node->type]] = node_gallery_get_gallery_gids($i2g[$node->type]);
          $randindex = array_rand($gallerynids[$i2g[$node->type]], 1);
          $node->gid = $gallerynids[$i2g[$node->type]][$randindex];

          // devel generate always checks the "promote to front page" box.
          $node->promote = 0;

          // remove any extra images devel_generate adds to our image node
          $relationship = node_gallery_get_relationship(NULL, $node->type);
          $node->{$relationship['imagefield_name']} = array_slice($node->{$relationship['imagefield_name']}, 0, 1);
    case 'view':

      // viewing node gallery page.
      if (in_array($node->type, (array) node_gallery_get_types('gallery'))) {
        _node_gallery_gallery_view($node, $a3, $a4);
      elseif (in_array($node->type, (array) node_gallery_get_types('image'))) {
        _node_gallery_image_view($node, $a3, $a4);
    case 'delete':

 * Attaches the gallery node's image view to the node's content.
 * @param object $node
 *   A reference to the gallery node object.
 * @param $teaser
 *   A parameter corresponding to the $a3 parameter in hook_nodeapi().
 * @param $page
 *   A parameter corresponding to the $a4 parameter in hook_nodeapi().
function _node_gallery_gallery_view(&$node, $teaser = NULL, $page = NULL) {
  $relationship = node_gallery_get_relationship($node->type);
  $config = $relationship['settings'];
  $cck_weight = content_extra_field_weight($node->type, 'gallery');
  $weight = is_numeric($cck_weight) ? $cck_weight : -3;
  if (!$teaser) {
    node_gallery_set_user_breadcrumb($node->uid, $node);
    $viewkey = unserialize($config['view_gallery_full_image_display']);

    // @todo: we should be able to programmatically set some options on the view, such as number of images, imagefield_name, etc.
    $output = _node_gallery_views_embed_view($viewkey['name'], $viewkey['display_id'], $node->nid);
    $node->content['gallery'] = array(
      '#value' => $output,
      '#weight' => $weight,
  else {
    $viewkey = unserialize($config['view_gallery_teaser_view_image_display']);

    // @todo: we should be able to programmatically set some options on the view, such as number of images, imagefield_name, etc.
    $output = _node_gallery_views_embed_view($viewkey['name'], $viewkey['display_id'], $node->nid);
    $node->content['gallery'] = array(
      '#value' => $output,
      '#weight' => $weight,

 * Attaches the image navigator to the image node's content.
 * @param object $node
 *   A reference to the image node object.
 * @param $teaser
 *   A parameter corresponding to the $a3 parameter in hook_nodeapi().
 * @param $page
 *   A parameter corresponding to the $a4 parameter in hook_nodeapi().
function _node_gallery_image_view(&$node, $teaser = NULL, $page = NULL) {
  $relationship = node_gallery_get_relationship(NULL, $node->type);
  $config = $relationship['settings'];
  if (!$teaser) {
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'node_gallery') . '/js/ng_keyboard_shortcuts.js');
    $gallery_node = node_load($node->gid);
      'galleries/' . $node->uid,
      'node/' . $gallery_node->nid,
    ), $node);
    if ($config['display_navigator']) {
      $cck_weight = content_extra_field_weight($node->type, 'image_navigator');
      $weight = is_numeric($cck_weight) ? $cck_weight : -10;
      $node->content['image_navigator'] = array(
        '#value' => theme('node_gallery_image_navigator', node_gallery_get_image_navigator($node->gid, $node->nid), $node),
        '#weight' => $weight,

 * Deletes the child image nodes when deleting a gallery.
 * When deleting a gallery, we delete the image nodes within that gallery,
 * as well as remove the imagecache files from the filesystem.  We use
 * batch api to allow for deletion of galleries with a large amount of
 * images.
 * @param object $node
 *   A reference to the gallery node object
function _node_gallery_delete(&$node) {
  $gid = NULL;
  if (in_array($node->type, (array) node_gallery_get_types('gallery'))) {
    $gid = $node->nid;
    $imagenids = node_gallery_get_image_nids($gid, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
    $total = count($imagenids);

    // Split our operations into X deletes at a time
    while (count($imagenids) > 0) {
      if (count($imagenids) >= NODE_GALLERY_BATCH_DELETE) {
        $nids = array_splice($imagenids, 0, 10);
      else {
        $nids = $imagenids;
      $operations[] = array(
    if (!empty($operations)) {
      $batch = array(
        'operations' => $operations,
        'finished' => 'node_gallery_image_process_finished',
        'title' => t('Processing Gallery Delete.'),
        'init_message' => t('Gallery deletion is cascading to images.'),
        'progress_message' => t('Processing image deletions.'),
        'error_message' => t('Gallery deletion has encountered an error.'),
      if (module_exists('og')) {
        $group = og_get_group_context();
        if (isset($group->nid)) {
          batch_process('node/' . $group->nid);
  if (in_array($node->type, (array) node_gallery_get_types('image'))) {
    $gid = $node->gid;

 * Publishes the child image nodes when publishing a gallery.
 * When publishing a gallery, we publish the image nodes within that gallery.
 * We use batch api to provide for galleries with a large amount of images.
 * @param object $node
 *   A reference to a gallery node object
 * @param $status
 *   The new publish status to set on the node
function _node_gallery_set_publish(&$node, $status) {
  $gid = $node->nid;
  $imagenids = node_gallery_get_image_nids($gid, FALSE, FALSE);

  // Split our operations into NODE_GALLERY_BATCH_CHUNK_SIZE a time
  $node_updates = array_chunk($imagenids, NODE_GALLERY_BATCH_CHUNK_SIZE);
  array_walk_recursive($node_updates, create_function('&$v,$k,$status', '$v = (object)array(\'nid\' => $v, \'status\' => $status);'), $status);
  foreach ($node_updates as $node_update) {
    $operations[] = array(
  if (!empty($operations)) {
    $batch = array(
      'operations' => $operations,
      'finished' => 'node_gallery_image_process_finished',
      'title' => t('Processing gallery publish status update.'),
      'init_message' => t('Gallery publish status is cascading to images.'),
      'progress_message' => t('Processing publishing of images.'),
      'error_message' => t('Image publish status change has encountered an error.'),

 * Updates the organic group settings of all gallery images when the settings
 * in the gallery changed.
 * @param object $node
 *   A reference to a gallery node object
 * @param $status
 *   The new publish status to set on the node
function _node_gallery_update_group_settings(&$node, $og_settings) {
  $gid = $node->nid;
  $imagenids = node_gallery_get_image_nids($gid, FALSE, FALSE);

  // Split our operations into NODE_GALLERY_BATCH_CHUNK_SIZE a time
  $node_updates = array_chunk($imagenids, NODE_GALLERY_BATCH_CHUNK_SIZE);
  array_walk_recursive($node_updates, create_function('&$v,$k,$og_settings', '$v = array(\'nid\' => $v); $v = (object)array_merge($v, $og_settings);'), $og_settings);
  foreach ($node_updates as $node_update) {
    $operations[] = array(
  if (!empty($operations)) {
    $batch = array(
      'operations' => $operations,
      'finished' => 'node_gallery_image_process_finished',
      'title' => t('Processing gallery organic group settings update.'),
      'init_message' => t('Gallery organic group settings update is cascading to images.'),
      'progress_message' => t('Processing organic group settings of images.'),
      'error_message' => t('Encountered an error while changing the organic group settings of the gallery images.'),

 * Deletes batches of images for batch API.
 * _node_gallery_delete
 * @param $imagenids
 *   Array of nids to delete.
 * @param $context
 *   Array provided by batch API.
function node_gallery_image_delete_process($imagenids, &$context) {
  if (!isset($context['sandbox']['progress'])) {
    $context['sandbox']['progress'] = 0;
    $context['sandbox']['max'] = count($imagenids);
  if (!isset($context['sandbox']['imagenids'])) {
    if (is_array($imagenids)) {
      $context['sandbox']['imagenids'] = $imagenids;
    else {
      $context['sandbox']['imagenids'] = array(
  $count = 0;
  while (!empty($context['sandbox']['imagenids']) && $count <= NODE_GALLERY_BATCH_CHUNK_SIZE) {
    $nid = array_shift($context['sandbox']['imagenids']);

  // Let the batch engine know how close we are to completion.
  if ($context['sandbox']['progress'] == $context['sandbox']['max']) {

    // Done!
    $context['finished'] = 1;
  else {
    $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['progress'] / $context['sandbox']['max'];
function node_gallery_batch_node_save($nodes, &$context) {
  if (!isset($context['sandbox']['progress'])) {
    $context['sandbox']['progress'] = 0;
    $context['sandbox']['max'] = count($nodes);
  if (!isset($context['sandbox']['nodes'])) {
    if (is_array($nodes)) {
      $context['sandbox']['nodes'] = $nodes;
    else {
      $context['sandbox']['nodes'] = array(
  $count = 0;
  while (!empty($context['sandbox']['nodes']) && $count <= NODE_GALLERY_BATCH_CHUNK_SIZE) {
    $node = array_shift($context['sandbox']['nodes']);
    $node = (object) array_merge((array) node_load($node->nid), (array) $node);

  // Let the batch engine know how close we are to completion.
  if ($context['sandbox']['progress'] == $context['sandbox']['max']) {

    // Done!
    $context['finished'] = 1;
  else {
    $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['progress'] / $context['sandbox']['max'];

 * Used as a finished callback for batch API deletion of images.
 * @param $success
 *   Scalar provided by batch API.
 * @param $results
 *   Array provided by batch API.
 * @param $operations
 *   Array provided by batch API.
function node_gallery_image_process_finished($success, $results, $operations) {
  if ($success) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Image modifications complete.'));
    _field_file_cache(NULL, TRUE);
  else {

    // An error occurred.
    // $operations contains the operations that remained unprocessed.
    $error_operation = reset($operations);
    $operation = array_shift($error_operation);
    $arguments = array_shift($error_operation);
    $arguments_as_string = implode(', ', $arguments);
    watchdog('node_gallery', "Error when calling operation '%s'('%s')", array(
    drupal_set_message(t('An error occurred and has been recorded in the system log.'), 'error');

 * Object replacement function for hook_menu().
 * @param $type
 *   The content type of the gallery.
 * @return
 *   A relationship array.
function node_gallery_relationship_load($type) {
  return node_gallery_get_relationship($type);

 * Object replacement function for hook_menu().
 * @param $nid
 *   The nid of a node.
 * @return
 *   A populated node object if the $nid passed in corresponds to a gallery,
 *   FALSE if not.
function node_gallery_gallery_load($nid) {
  $types = node_gallery_get_types('gallery');
  if (is_numeric($nid)) {
    $node = node_load($nid);

    // is the current node used in any ng relationships?
    if (in_array($node->type, $types)) {
      return $node;
    else {

      // this is not a ng node
      return FALSE;
  return FALSE;

 * to_arg() function for hook_menu().
 * @param $arg
 *   The argument in the wildcard.
 * @return
 *   The nid of the gallery.
function node_gallery_gallery_to_arg($arg) {
  if (!is_numeric($arg)) {
    return $arg;
  $types = node_gallery_get_types('gallery');
  $nid = $arg;
  $node = node_load($nid);

  // is the current node used in any ng relationships?
  if (in_array($node->type, $types)) {

    // If looking at an image, we'll want the nid to be the gallery nid
    if (in_array($node->type, node_gallery_get_types('image'))) {
      return $node->gid;
    else {
      return $nid;
  else {

    // this is not a ng node
    return $nid;

 * Determines if a user has access to do something to a gallery or it's images.
 * @param $op
 *   The operation being requested.
 * @param object $gallery
 *   (optional) The populated gallery node.  Defaults to NULL.
 * @return
 *   boolean
function node_gallery_user_access($op, $gallery = NULL, $account = NULL) {
  global $user;
  if (user_access('administer nodes') || user_access(NODE_GALLERY_PERM_ADMIN_GALLERY)) {

    // Admins can do everything
    return TRUE;
  if (isset($account)) {
    if (!$account->uid || !$account->status) {

      // Cannot view gallery of anonymous or blocked users.
      // This condition should prevent seeing the link in the nav block for anonymous users.
      return FALSE;
  $any = 'any';
  $content = 'content';
  $generic_permissions = array(
    'view My Galleries',
  if (!in_array($op, $generic_permissions)) {
    if (!isset($gallery)) {
      return FALSE;
    $type = $gallery->type;
    $image_operations = array(
      'edit image',
    if (in_array($op, $image_operations)) {
      $relationship = node_gallery_get_relationship($type);
      $type = $relationship['image_type'];

    // Respect Ubercart's renaming of content types. This is ugly, but we deem
    // Ubercart important enough to merit this.
    if (module_exists('uc_product')) {
      $node_type = node_get_types('type', $type);
      if ($node_type->module == 'uc_product') {
        $any = 'all';
        $content = 'products';
  switch ($op) {

     * Generic permissions.
    case 'view':
      return user_access(NODE_GALLERY_PERM_VIEW_GALLERY);
    case 'view My Galleries':

      // Users not blocked and not anonymous with 'view gallery' perms can see a "My Galleries" link
      if ($user->status) {
        return user_access(NODE_GALLERY_PERM_VIEW_GALLERY);
      return FALSE;
    case 'administer':
      return user_access(NODE_GALLERY_PERM_ADMIN_GALLERY);

     * Permissions acting on gallery images.
    case 'upload':
      if (!user_access(NODE_GALLERY_PERM_UPLOAD_TO_ALL_GALLERIES) && $user->uid != $gallery->uid) {
        return FALSE;
      return user_access('create ' . $type . ' ' . $content);
    case 'edit image':
      if ($user->uid == $gallery->uid) {
        return user_access('edit own ' . $type . ' ' . $content) || user_access('edit ' . $any . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $content);
      else {
        return user_access('edit ' . $any . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $content);

     * Permissions acting on galleries.
    case 'create':
      return user_access('create ' . $type . ' ' . $content);
    case 'edit':
    case 'delete':
      if (!user_access($op . ' ' . $any . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $content) && $user->uid != $gallery->uid) {
        return FALSE;
      return user_access($op . ' own ' . $type . ' ' . $content);
  return FALSE;

 * Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
function node_gallery_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {

   * By unshifting our path onto the node themepath, Drupal will use our
   * supplied node-image-default.tpl.php template, but only if the themer
   * hasn't created their own to override it.
  $themepath = drupal_get_path('module', 'node_gallery') . "/theme";
  array_unshift($theme_registry['node']['theme paths'], $themepath);

 * Generates a title for use with hook_menu()'s title callback.
 * @param object $account
 *   A populated account object.
 * @param $content_type
 *   (optional) The content type being displayed.
 * @return
 *   A string containing the title of the page.
function node_gallery_list_galleries_title($account, $content_type = NULL) {
  global $user;
  $values = array();
  if (is_string($account)) {
    $account = user_load(array(
      'name' => $account,
  if (module_exists('realname')) {
    $account->name = theme('username', $account, array(
      'plain' => TRUE,
  if ($user->uid != $account->uid) {
    $values['@user'] = $account->name;
  if (!empty($content_type)) {
    $rel = node_gallery_get_relationship($content_type);
    $values['@gallery'] = $rel['settings']['name'];
  if (array_key_exists('@user', $values)) {
    if (array_key_exists('@gallery', $values)) {
      return t('@user\'s @gallery Galleries', $values);
    else {
      return t('@user\'s Galleries', $values);
  else {
    if (array_key_exists('@gallery', $values)) {
      return t('My @gallery Galleries', $values);
    else {
      return t('My Galleries', $values);
function node_gallery_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
  $node = $vars['node'];
  if (in_array($node->type, (array) node_gallery_get_types('image'))) {
    $new_slice = array(
      'node-gallery-image-' . $node->type,
      'node-' . $node->type,
    $pos = array_search('node-' . $node->type, $vars['template_files']);
    if ($pos === FALSE) {
      $vars['template_files'] += $new_slice;
    else {
      array_splice($vars['template_files'], $pos, 1, $new_slice);

 * Implementation of CCK's hook_field_formatter_info().
function node_gallery_field_formatter_info() {
  $formatters = array();
  foreach (imagecache_presets() as $preset) {
    $formatters[$preset['presetname'] . '_nextimagelink'] = array(
      'label' => t('@preset linked to next image', array(
        '@preset' => $preset['presetname'],
      'field types' => array(
      'description' => t('Displays images and links them to the next image in the gallery.'),
    $formatters[$preset['presetname'] . '_gallerylink'] = array(
      'label' => t('@preset linked to gallery', array(
        '@preset' => $preset['presetname'],
      'field types' => array(
      'description' => t('Displays images and links them to the gallery.'),
  return $formatters;

 * Produces the output of a view just like views_embed_view() but
 * increments pager ids each time this is called so when more than one NG view's
 * are displayed on the same page, the pager ids do not interfeare with each other.
 * @staticvar int $pager_id Static counter for views pagers.
 * @param string $name Identifier of the view to instantiate.
 * @param string $display_id Identifier of the views display to use.
function _node_gallery_views_embed_view($name, $display_id = 'default') {
  static $pager_id = 0;
  $args = func_get_args();

  // remove $name
  if (count($args)) {

    // remove $display_id
  $view = views_get_view($name);
  if (!$view || !$view
    ->access($display_id)) {

  // Override view pager options here
  if (method_exists($view, 'init_pager')) {

    // Views 3 version
    $pager = $view->display_handler
    $pager['options']['id'] = ++$pager_id;
      ->set_option('pager', $pager);
  else {
      ->set_option('pager_element', ++$pager_id);
  return $view
    ->preview($display_id, $args);

 * Implementation of cck's hook_content_extra_fields()
 * Allows gallery view to be arranged via content type fields.
 * @param String $type_name Content type name
 * @return Array of "extras".
function node_gallery_content_extra_fields($type_name) {
  $extras = array();
  if (in_array($type_name, (array) node_gallery_get_types('gallery'))) {
    $extras['gallery'] = array(
      'label' => t('Gallery Images View'),
      'description' => t('The Node_Gallery view used by this gallery node.'),
      'weight' => -3,
  if (in_array($type_name, (array) node_gallery_get_types('image'))) {
    $extras['image_navigator'] = array(
      'label' => t('Node Gallery Image Navigator'),
      'description' => t('The Node Gallery Image Navigator.'),
      'weight' => -10,
  return $extras;

 * Set a Gallery breadcrumb for a given user ID.
 * @see node_gallery_set_breadcrumb()
 * @param $uid
 *   The user ID of the user the breadcrumb is relating to, such as the owner
 *   of the current Gallery node.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if the breadcrumb was set, or FALSE if the current user doesn't have
 *   access to any of the menu paths in the breadcrumb.
function node_gallery_set_user_breadcrumb($uid, $node = NULL) {
  $trail = array(
    'galleries/' . $uid,
  return node_gallery_set_breadcrumb($trail, $node);

 * Set the current breadcrumb trail while also respecting menu customizations
 * and access controls. Any menu items that the current user does not have
 * access to will be skipped, and if no items are accessible the breadcrumb
 * will be left unchanged. If the breadcrumb is set, a "Home" crumb will be
 * included automatically.
 * @param $trail
 *   An array of system paths.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if the breadcrumb was set, or FALSE if no items in $trail were
 *   accessible by the current user.
function node_gallery_set_breadcrumb($trail, $node = NULL) {
  $crumbs = array();
  static $menu_title_cache = array();
  if (module_exists('og')) {
    if (!empty($node->nid)) {
      $group_node = og_determine_context_get_group($node);
      if ($group_node && !empty($node->og_groups)) {
        $crumbs = og_get_breadcrumb($group_node);
        if ($node->gid) {
          $gallery = node_load($node->gid);
          $crumbs[] = l($gallery->title, 'node/' . $gallery->nid);
  if (empty($crumbs)) {
    foreach ($trail as $path) {
      $menu_item = menu_get_item($path);

      // Use a static array to cache href->title mapping.
      // Thanks to for the pointers.
      $ckey = $menu_item['href'];
      if (!isset($menu_title_cache[$ckey])) {
        $result = db_query("SELECT mlid FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path = '%s'", $menu_item['href']);
        while ($menu_link = db_fetch_array($result)) {
          $menu_loaded_link = menu_link_load($menu_link['mlid']);
          $menu_title_cache[$ckey] = $menu_loaded_link['title'];
        if (!isset($menu_title_cache[$ckey])) {

          // There is no menu link to that path, use the item.
          $menu_title_cache[$ckey] = $menu_item['title'];
      if ($menu_item['access']) {

        // We have to use $path here as we want the real URL, not the router path.
        $crumbs[] = l($menu_title_cache[$ckey], $path, array(
          'html' => TRUE,
  if (!empty($crumbs)) {
    if ($crumbs[0] != l(t('Home'), NULL)) {
      array_unshift($crumbs, l(t('Home'), NULL));
    $menu_item = menu_get_item();

    // @todo: This works well for OG, but non-OG tabs are still funky
    if (preg_match('/(upload|edit|sort|images)$/', $menu_item['path'])) {
      $crumbs[] = l($node->title, 'node/' . $node->nid);
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
function node_gallery_inherit_group_settings(&$image) {

  // inherit organic group settings from gallery
  $gallery_node = node_load($image->gid);
  foreach ($gallery_node as $k => $v) {
    if (preg_match('/^og_/', $k)) {
      $image->{$k} = $v;


Namesort descending Description
node_gallery_content_extra_fields Implementation of cck's hook_content_extra_fields()
node_gallery_create_new_gallery_submit If the user selected the option to create a new gallery, create a stub gallery, assign the images to that gallery, and redirect them to the gallery edit form.
node_gallery_field_formatter_info Implementation of CCK's hook_field_formatter_info().
node_gallery_form_alter Implements hook_form_alter().
node_gallery_form_views_ui_delete_confirm_alter Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
node_gallery_form_views_ui_edit_view_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
node_gallery_gallery_load Object replacement function for hook_menu().
node_gallery_gallery_to_arg to_arg() function for hook_menu().
node_gallery_help Implements hook_help().
node_gallery_image_delete_process Deletes batches of images for batch API. _node_gallery_delete
node_gallery_image_process_finished Used as a finished callback for batch API deletion of images.
node_gallery_init Implements hook_init().
node_gallery_list_galleries_title Generates a title for use with hook_menu()'s title callback.
node_gallery_menu Implements hook_menu().
node_gallery_nodeapi Implements hook_nodeapi().
node_gallery_perm Implements hook_perm().
node_gallery_relationship_load Object replacement function for hook_menu().
node_gallery_set_breadcrumb Set the current breadcrumb trail while also respecting menu customizations and access controls. Any menu items that the current user does not have access to will be skipped, and if no items are accessible the breadcrumb will be left unchanged. If the…
node_gallery_set_user_breadcrumb Set a Gallery breadcrumb for a given user ID.
node_gallery_theme Implements hook_theme().
node_gallery_theme_registry_alter Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
node_gallery_user_access Determines if a user has access to do something to a gallery or it's images.
node_gallery_views_api Implementation hook_views_api().
_node_gallery_delete Deletes the child image nodes when deleting a gallery.
_node_gallery_gallery_view Attaches the gallery node's image view to the node's content.
_node_gallery_image_view Attaches the image navigator to the image node's content.
_node_gallery_set_publish Publishes the child image nodes when publishing a gallery.
_node_gallery_update_group_settings Updates the organic group settings of all gallery images when the settings in the gallery changed.
_node_gallery_views_embed_view Produces the output of a view just like views_embed_view() but increments pager ids each time this is called so when more than one NG view's are displayed on the same page, the pager ids do not interfeare with each other.
