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function node_gallery_update_7000 in Node Gallery 7

Rename Drupal 6 tables for migration.


./node_gallery.install, line 242
Install, update and uninstall functions for the node_gallery module.


function node_gallery_update_7000() {

  // The "node_gallery_galleries" table is used in both D6 and D7, but in
  // D7 the table is owned by node_gallery_api. In order to prevent them from
  // colliding, we rename it and then migrate the data.
  // Do our check based on a D6-only database table.
  if (db_table_exists('node_gallery_images')) {
    db_rename_table('node_gallery_galleries', 'node_gallery_galleries_d6');
    db_rename_table('node_gallery_images', 'node_gallery_images_d6');
    db_rename_table('node_gallery_relationships', 'node_gallery_relationships_d6');