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function node_gallery_update_6305 in Node Gallery 6.3

#1226982: add gallery image counts with indexes and create initial count values.


./node_gallery.install, line 916
Install, update and uninstall functions for the node_gallery module.


function node_gallery_update_6305() {
  $ret = array();

  // Create count fields.
  $fields = array(
    'img_count' => array(
      'type' => 'int',
      'size' => 'small',
      'unsigned' => TRUE,
      'not null' => TRUE,
      'default' => 0,
      'description' => t('Gallery images count.'),
    'pub_img_count' => array(
      'type' => 'int',
      'size' => 'small',
      'unsigned' => TRUE,
      'not null' => TRUE,
      'default' => 0,
      'description' => t('Gallery published images count.'),
  foreach ($fields as $field => $spec) {
    db_add_field($ret, 'node_gallery_galleries', $field, $spec);

  // Create indexes for searching and filtering using counts.
  $indexes = array(
    'img_count' => array(
    'pub_img_count' => array(
  foreach ($indexes as $name => $index) {
    db_add_index($ret, 'node_gallery_galleries', $name, $index);

  // Create initial values for the counts.
  $counts = array();
  $res = db_query("SELECT ngi.gid AS gid, n.status AS status, COUNT(*) AS num\n                   FROM {node_gallery_images} ngi\n                   INNER JOIN {node} n ON ngi.nid = n.nid\n                   GROUP BY ngi.gid, n.status");
  while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
    $row = array_map('intval', $row);
    if (!isset($counts[$row['gid']])) {
      $counts[$row['gid']] = array(
        0 => 0,
        1 => 0,
    $counts[$row['gid']][$row['status']] = $row['num'];
  foreach ($counts as $gid => $c) {
    db_query("UPDATE {node_gallery_galleries} \n       SET img_count = %d, pub_img_count = %d\n       WHERE gid = %d", $c[0] + $c[1], $c[1], $gid);
  $processed_num = count($counts);
  $ret[] = array(
    'success' => TRUE,
    'query' => format_plural($processed_num, 'Created initial image count values for 1 gallery.', 'Created initial image count values for !count galleries.', array(
      '!count' => $processed_num,
  return $ret;