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function _migrate_node_gallery_variables in Node Gallery 6.3

1 call to _migrate_node_gallery_variables()
node_gallery_update_6300 in ./node_gallery.install
MAJOR UPGRADE - please don't blindly update from 2.x to 3.x! Your data will migrate, but some of your settings and most of your theming will need to be redone.


./node_gallery.install, line 520
Install, update and uninstall functions for the node_gallery module.


function _migrate_node_gallery_variables() {
  global $conf;

  /* Here's an example of an ng2 $conf['node_gallery_node_gallery_gallery']:
     NA    [gallery_type] => node_gallery_gallery
     NA    [image_type] => node_gallery_image
     NA    [name] => Node Gallery Default
     X    [gallery_directory] =>
     [default_cover] =>
     NA    [number_uploads] => 20
     [display_fields] => Array (
     [title] => title
     [body_field] => body_field
     [revision_information] => 0
     [comment_settings] => 0
     [path] => 0 )
     [content_display] => image
     [image_comment] => image
     [image_size] => Array (
     [cover] => node-gallery-cover
     [thumbnail] => node-gallery-thumbnail
     [preview] => node-gallery-display )
     [original] => Array (
     [view_original] => 0
     [view_original_text] => Download the Original Image )
     [teaser] => Array (
     [gallery_display_type] => thumbnails
     [thumbnails_num] => 6
     [image] => node-gallery-thumbnail )
     [gallery] => Array (
     [gallery_display_type] => thumbnails )
     [upload_limits] => Array (
     [general] => Array (
     X                    [file_extension] => jpg jpeg gif png
     X                    [file_resolution] => 0
     X                    [file_max_size] => 1
     NA                    [user_max_size] => 2
     NA                    [user_max_number] => 0 )
     X            [roles] => Array ( )
  $node_types = array_keys(node_get_types());
  foreach ($conf as $key => $value) {
    if (strpos($key, 'node_gallery_') === 0) {
      $t = substr($key, 13);
      if (in_array($t, $node_types)) {

        // migrate monolithic node_gallery_<content_type> variables
        $var = variable_get($key, array());
        if (!isset($var['gallery_type'])) {
        $rel = new stdClass();
        $rel->gallery_type = $var['gallery_type'];
        $rel->image_type = $var['image_type'];
        $rel->imagefield_name = 'field_node_gallery_image';
        $field_instance = array();
        if ($var['upload_limits']['general']['file_extension'] != 'jpg jpeg gif png') {
          $field_instance['widget']['file_extensions'] = $var['upload_limits']['general']['file_extension'];
        if ($var['upload_limits']['general']['file_resolution'] != 0) {
          $field_instance['widget']['max_resolution'] = $var['upload_limits']['general']['file_resolution'];
        $field_instance['widget']['max_filesize_per_file'] = $var['upload_limits']['general']['file_max_size'] . 'M';
        $field_instance['widget']['max_filesize_per_node'] = $var['upload_limits']['general']['file_max_size'] . 'M';
        if (count($var['upload_limits']['roles']) > 0) {
          drupal_set_message(t("Imagefield doesn't provide per-role file limits without extra modules.  If you wish to maintain those, please use the !module module.", array(
            '!module' => l(t('Node Limit Number'), ''),
        if (isset($var['gallery_directory'])) {
          if (strpos($var['gallery_directory'], '%') === FALSE) {
            $field_instance['widget']['file_path'] = $var['gallery_directory'];
          else {
            if (!module_exists('filefield_paths')) {
              drupal_set_message(t("Imagefield doesn't provide tokenized paths without extra modules.  If you wish to maintain those, please use the !module module.", array(
                '!module' => l(t('FileField Paths'), ''),
        $rel->settings = array_merge(node_gallery_relationship_settings_defaults(), $var);
        drupal_write_record('node_gallery_relationships', $rel);

  // Move this variable to one with a proper namespace
  if (variable_get('node_images_page_fragment', FALSE)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('You have selected "Use Named Anchors on Image Previous and Next links" in your configuration.  This setting is now set on a per-relationship basis.  Please <a href="@relationship_page">configure your relationships</a> to re-apply your previous setting.', array(
      '@relationship_page' => url('admin/settings/node_gallery'),
    )), 'warning');
  foreach (array(
  ) as $v) {
    $value = variable_get($v, 20);
    switch ($v) {
      case 'node_gallery_page_number':
        if ($value != 20) {
          drupal_set_message(t('You have selected to display @value galleries per page.  The default is 20 - you may change the value by <a href="@view_link">editing the view</a>.', array(
            '@value' => $value,
            '@view_link' => url('admin/build/views/edit/node_gallery_gallery_summaries'),
          )), 'warning');
      case 'node_images_page_number':
        if ($value != 0) {
          drupal_set_message(t('You have selected to display @value images per page.  The default is 0 (unlimited) - you may change the value by <a href="@view_link">editing the view</a>.', array(
            '@value' => $value,
            '@view_link' => url('admin/build/views/edit/node_gallery_gallery_image_views'),
          )), 'warning');