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function node_gallery_get_next_image in Node Gallery 6.3

Gets the next image in the gallery.


$gid: The nid of the gallery node.

$nid: The nid of the image node.

$reset: (optional) If TRUE, the caches are cleared.

Return value

The nid of the next image in the gallery.

2 calls to node_gallery_get_next_image()
node_gallery_get_image_navigator in ./
Builds an array with the data necessary to navigate a gallery.
theme_node_gallery_formatter_nextimagelink in theme/
Node gallery formatter hooks and callbacks.


./, line 629
Shared functions for node_gallery


function node_gallery_get_next_image($gid, $nid, $reset = FALSE) {
  return node_gallery_seek_from_current_image($gid, $nid, 1, $reset);