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24 calls to node_gallery_get_relationship() in Node Gallery 6.3

node_gallery_apply_cck_settings_to_image_types in ./
Given a settings associative array uses content_crud to apply settings to the widget for all image types
node_gallery_change_gallery_action_form in ./
Builds the form to allow a user to change the gallery of an image.
node_gallery_create_new_gallery_submit in ./node_gallery.module
If the user selected the option to create a new gallery, create a stub gallery, assign the images to that gallery, and redirect them to the gallery edit form.
node_gallery_delete_image in ./
Deletes an image from the database, cleans the filesystem of imagecache files.
node_gallery_get_all_relationships in ./
Convenience wrapper for getting all relationships.
node_gallery_get_current_widget_type in ./
Given an image type, return the name of the widget used on it's imagefield
node_gallery_get_images in ./
Retrieves image properties sorted by the image sort view in a gallery, the returned objects are NOT complete nodes.
node_gallery_get_image_nids in ./
node_gallery_list_galleries_title in ./node_gallery.module
Generates a title for use with hook_menu()'s title callback.
node_gallery_manage_images_form in ./
Displays the content for our "Manage Images" tab, which is a VBO view.
node_gallery_manage_images_submit in ./
node_gallery_nodeapi in ./node_gallery.module
Implements hook_nodeapi().
node_gallery_relationship_content_types_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for relationship settings form
node_gallery_relationship_content_types_form_validate in ./
Validation callback for the relationship form.
node_gallery_relationship_load in ./node_gallery.module
Object replacement function for hook_menu().
node_gallery_relationship_settings_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for relationship settings form
node_gallery_upload_image_form in ./
Displays the content of the "Upload Images" tab.
node_gallery_upload_image_to_new_gallery_form in ./
@file Handles displaying of Node gallery pages.
node_gallery_user_access in ./node_gallery.module
Determines if a user has access to do something to a gallery or it's images.
template_preprocess_node_gallery_image_navigator in theme/
theme_node_gallery_formatter_nextimagelink in theme/
Node gallery formatter hooks and callbacks.
theme_node_gallery_manage_images_form in theme/
@file Node gallery theme functions
_node_gallery_gallery_view in ./node_gallery.module
Attaches the gallery node's image view to the node's content.
_node_gallery_image_view in ./node_gallery.module
Attaches the image navigator to the image node's content.