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7 calls to node_gallery_get_image_nids() in Node Gallery 6.3

node_gallery_get_images in ./
Retrieves image properties sorted by the image sort view in a gallery, the returned objects are NOT complete nodes.
node_gallery_manage_images_form in ./
Displays the content for our "Manage Images" tab, which is a VBO view.
node_gallery_nodeapi in ./node_gallery.module
Implements hook_nodeapi().
_node_gallery_cache_sorted_image_nids in ./
Builds the caches for a gallery and saves them to the db.
_node_gallery_delete in ./node_gallery.module
Deletes the child image nodes when deleting a gallery.
_node_gallery_set_publish in ./node_gallery.module
Publishes the child image nodes when publishing a gallery.
_node_gallery_update_group_settings in ./node_gallery.module
Updates the organic group settings of all gallery images when the settings in the gallery changed.