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function node_export_is_permitted in Node export 6.2

Check whether exporting this type is permitted.

4 calls to node_export_is_permitted()
node_export_access in ./node_export.module
Check menu access to export a node.
node_export_node_export in ./node_export.module
Exports a node - populate a node code form set $return_code to TRUE to not return form but the code instead. set $format to some string if encoding should be handled by some module that will recognise the string.
node_export_node_prepopulate in ./node_export.module
Exports a node - prepopulate a node editing form
node_export_node_save in ./node_export.module
Exports a node by directly saving it.


./node_export.module, line 85
The Node Export module.


function node_export_is_permitted($type) {
  $omitted = variable_get('node_export_omitted', array());
  return empty($omitted[$type]);