You are here in Node export 8

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  1. node_export.config:
  2. title: 'Node Export Settings'
  3. parent: system.admin_config_content
  4. description: 'Configuration for the node export module'
  5. route_name: node_export.config
  6. node_export.export:
  7. title: 'Export nodes'
  8. parent: system.admin_content
  9. description: 'Export nodes in bulk using content types or node IDs'
  10. route_name: node_export.export_content_type
  11. weight: 100
  12. node_export.export_content_type:
  13. title: 'Using content type'
  14. parent: node_export.export
  15. description: 'Export nodes of a content type'
  16. route_name: node_export.export_content_type
  17. node_export.export_nids:
  18. title: 'Using node IDs'
  19. parent: node_export.export
  20. description: 'Export nodes of given node IDs'
  21. route_name: node_export.export_nids
  22. node_export.import:
  23. title: 'Import nodes'
  24. parent: system.admin_content
  25. description: 'Import nodes from a file or using exported code'
  26. route_name: node_export.import
  27. weight: 100
  28. node_export.import_file:
  29. title: 'Using file'
  30. parent: node_export.import
  31. description: 'Import nodes from a file'
  32. route_name: node_export.import_file
  33. node_export.import_text:
  34. title: 'Using exported code'
  35. parent: node_export.import
  36. description: 'Import nodes using exported code'
  37. route_name: node_export.import