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function node_export_dsv_decode in Node export 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 modules/node_export_dsv/node_export_dsv.module \node_export_dsv_decode()

Interpret a DSV string.

1 call to node_export_dsv_decode()
node_export_dsv_import in formats/
Import callback.


formats/, line 209
The Node export DSV format handler.


function node_export_dsv_decode($code_string, $delimiter, $enclosure, $separator) {

  // Get array data from DSV.
  $array = @node_export_dsv_dsv_to_array($code_string, $delimiter, $enclosure, $separator);

  // If the first two rows are of equal length, we can assume this is a DSV.
  // Also checks there are a decent number of fields.
  if (!empty($array[0]) && !empty($array[1]) && count($array[0]) > 10 && count($array[0]) == count($array[1])) {
    $nodes = array();

    // Assume row 0 is the header, and the rest of the rows are the nodes.
    $header = array_shift($array);

    // Build the nodes.
    foreach ($array as &$row) {
      $node = (object) array();
      foreach ($row as $key => $item) {
        $item = node_export_dsv_decode_sanitize_value($item);
        eval('$node->' . $header[$key] . ' = ' . $item . ';');
      $nodes[] = $node;
    return $nodes;