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Functions in Node Convert 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
book_node_convert_change modules/ Implementation of node_convert_change().
comment_node_convert_change modules/ Implementation of node_convert_change().
file_node_convert_change modules/ Implementation of node_convert_change().
forum_node_convert_change modules/ Implementation of node_convert_change().
hook_ctools_plugin_api ./node_convert.api.php Provide implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_api().
hook_node_convert_change ./node_convert.api.php This is an example implementation for the hook. Preforms actions when converting a node based on it's type.
hook_node_convert_presave ./node_convert.api.php Allow modifying a node during conversion but before the final save.
node_convert_action_info ./node_convert.module Implements hook_action_info().
node_convert_add_template ./ Add template page callback. 1
node_convert_add_template_submit ./ Submit callback for adding a new template.
node_convert_add_template_validate ./ Validation callback for adding a new template.
node_convert_api_minimum_version ./node_convert.module Minimum version for API. 1
node_convert_api_version ./node_convert.module Current version for API. 2
node_convert_check_access ./node_convert.module Checks if user can do conversions from this node's type. 1
node_convert_check_template_permission_user ./node_convert.module Checks if the logged in user has access to use the conversion template. 4
node_convert_conversion_form ./ Node conversion form. 1
node_convert_conversion_form_submit ./ Submit callback for converting a form.
node_convert_conversion_form_validate ./ Validation callback for converting a form.
node_convert_convert_action ./node_convert.module Implements hook_action, exposing predefined conversion templates as actions. 1
node_convert_convert_action_form ./node_convert.module Node convert action form.
node_convert_convert_action_submit ./node_convert.module Submit callback for the node convert action form.
node_convert_convert_nodes_using_template ./node_convert.module Converts a list of nodes using a given template 1 1
node_convert_convert_nodes_using_template_rules_callback ./ Takes rules action parameters and passes them to the convert function.
node_convert_ctools_plugin_api ./node_convert.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
node_convert_delete_template ./node_convert.module Delete a conversion template. This function is also called by ctools export when calls are made through ctools_export_crud_delete(). 1 1
node_convert_field_convert ./ Transfers information from source_field to dest_field. 1
node_convert_format_field_value ./ Returns a string containing the value of the $field from the $node object. 2
node_convert_format_field_value_helper ./ Format a field's values. 1
node_convert_help ./node_convert.module Implements hook_help().
node_convert_install ./node_convert.install Implements hook_install().
node_convert_invoke_all ./node_convert.module Instead of using module_invoke_all, we have to use the ctools pattern, because the module hooks are loaded dynamically by CTools. 5
node_convert_invoke_field_storage_delete ./ Invokes the storage delete field hooks for a given field. 1
node_convert_load_all_templates ./node_convert.module Loads all templates. 3
node_convert_load_includes ./node_convert.module Loads include files, that execute various behaviors on node conversion. 1
node_convert_load_template ./node_convert.module Loads a conversion template array using template_id. 5
node_convert_machine_name_check ./node_convert.module Callback to check if an existing machine name for a template exists. 1
node_convert_menu ./node_convert.module Implements hook_menu().
node_convert_messages ./ Displays error messages if any occurred, otherwise the success message. 3
node_convert_node_convert ./ Converts a node to another content type. 5
node_convert_node_operations ./node_convert.module Implements hook_node_operations().
node_convert_permission ./node_convert.module Implements hook_permission().
node_convert_provided_module_behaviors ./node_convert.module Declare API compatibility on behalf of certain modules. 2
node_convert_return_access_node_types ./node_convert.module Returns a list of node types that the user has access to, depending on the direction of conversion. 2
node_convert_rules_action_info ./ Implements hook_rules_action_info().
node_convert_rules_event_info ./ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
node_convert_rules_template_list ./ Helper - Gets a list of templates and id's. 1
node_convert_save_template ./node_convert.module Saves a conversion template. 1
node_convert_schema ./node_convert.install Node convert schema.
node_convert_templates ./ List of templates page callback. 2
node_convert_template_delete_confirm ./ Delete template confirmation form. 1


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