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README.txt in Node Convert 7

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  1. 6 README.txt
Welcome to Node Convert.

This module allows to convert one or many nodes between different node types.
It can convert the most popular field types: text, link, image, file, entity reference, node / term / user reference.

The module provides:
- an API for converting nodes
- hooks for executing additional behaviors on conversion
- integrates with hook_node_operations and Drupal's Action API
- integration with Rules

How to use:

I. Single node conversion:
1) Set 'administer conversion' and 'convert to x', 'convert from y' permissions.
2) Go to /node/x/convert and follow the provided steps to convert the node.

II. Multiple node conversion (using hook_node_operations)
1) Set appropriate permissions.
2) Go to admin/structure/node_convert_templates
3) Create a new template following the the provided steps.
4) Go to admin/content
5) Select the relevant nodes.
6) Choose "Convert template: x" (based on the template name created above) from the update options.
7) Click Update.

III. Multiple node conversion (using Actions API + Views Bulk Operations)
Note: This requires the contributed modules Views and Views Bulk Operations

1) Set appropriate permissions.
2) Go to admin/structure/node_convert_templates
3) Create a new template following the the provided steps (also check Create Action).
3) Create a new view with the options you require.
4) Add Views Bulk Operations under fields.
5) Configure all options of Bulk Operations as necessary.
6) Select "Convert a node" as an operation or an action that was created together with the conversion template.
Note that VBO Operations are gathered from two sources:
  - Drupal core actions (hook_action_info() and advanced actions added through the Actions UI)
  - Rules 2
7) Save the view. View it.
8) Select the necessary nodes and click the Convert x button.

Useful API calls:
node_convert_node_convert($nid, $dest_node_type, $source_fields, $dest_fields, $no_fields_flag, $hook_options = NULL);
node_convert_field_convert($nid, $source_field, $dest_field);
hook_node_convert_change($data, $op);

Modules can provide additional behavior to execute upon conversion by implementing hook_node_convert_change.
See node_convert.api.php for an example.


View source
  1. Welcome to Node Convert.
  2. This module allows to convert one or many nodes between different node types.
  3. It can convert the most popular field types: text, link, image, file, entity reference, node / term / user reference.
  4. The module provides:
  5. - an API for converting nodes
  6. - hooks for executing additional behaviors on conversion
  7. - integrates with hook_node_operations and Drupal's Action API
  8. - integration with Rules
  9. How to use:
  10. I. Single node conversion:
  11. 1) Set 'administer conversion' and 'convert to x', 'convert from y' permissions.
  12. 2) Go to /node/x/convert and follow the provided steps to convert the node.
  13. II. Multiple node conversion (using hook_node_operations)
  14. 1) Set appropriate permissions.
  15. 2) Go to admin/structure/node_convert_templates
  16. 3) Create a new template following the the provided steps.
  17. 4) Go to admin/content
  18. 5) Select the relevant nodes.
  19. 6) Choose "Convert template: x" (based on the template name created above) from the update options.
  20. 7) Click Update.
  21. III. Multiple node conversion (using Actions API + Views Bulk Operations)
  22. Note: This requires the contributed modules Views and Views Bulk Operations
  23. 1) Set appropriate permissions.
  24. 2) Go to admin/structure/node_convert_templates
  25. 3) Create a new template following the the provided steps (also check Create Action).
  26. 3) Create a new view with the options you require.
  27. 4) Add Views Bulk Operations under fields.
  28. 5) Configure all options of Bulk Operations as necessary.
  29. 6) Select "Convert a node" as an operation or an action that was created together with the conversion template.
  30. Note that VBO Operations are gathered from two sources:
  31. - Drupal core actions (hook_action_info() and advanced actions added through the Actions UI)
  32. - Rules 2
  33. 7) Save the view. View it.
  34. 8) Select the necessary nodes and click the Convert x button.
  35. Useful API calls:
  36. node_convert_node_convert($nid, $dest_node_type, $source_fields, $dest_fields, $no_fields_flag, $hook_options = NULL);
  37. node_convert_field_convert($nid, $source_field, $dest_field);
  38. hook_node_convert_change($data, $op);
  39. Modules can provide additional behavior to execute upon conversion by implementing hook_node_convert_change.
  40. See node_convert.api.php for an example.