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function cloneimagefield_nodeapi in Node clone 5.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 cloneimagefield.module \cloneimagefield_nodeapi()

Implementation of hook_nodeapi().

Take advantage of the fact that imagefield.module does not use the 'submit' $op to copy files at the 'submit' phase before the node is actually saved. Only relevant when the "prepopulate" method is being used.


./cloneimagefield.module, line 82


function cloneimagefield_nodeapi(&$node, $op) {
  if ($op == 'submit' && isset($node->node_clone_imagefield)) {

    // The data was serialized so it could be passed as a hidden form field.
    $image_fields = unserialize($node->node_clone_imagefield);
    foreach (array_keys($image_fields) as $key) {
      foreach ($node->{$key} as $delta => $file) {

        // Check whether this file was attached to the original node, and that
        // it is not slated for removal.
        if ($file['filepath'] == $image_fields[$key][$delta]['filepath'] && empty($file['flags']['delete'])) {
          _cloneimagefield_copy_file($node, $key, $delta);