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function _ndtest_ds_fields in Node displays 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 tests/ \_ndtest_ds_fields()
  2. 7 tests/ \_ndtest_ds_fields()
1 call to _ndtest_ds_fields()
ndtest_ds_fields in tests/ndtest.module
Implementation of hook_ds_fields().


tests/, line 140
Display suite default settings.


function _ndtest_ds_fields() {
  $data = array(
    'nd' => array(
      'test_key' => array(
        'title' => 'Test key',
        'type' => DS_FIELD_TYPE_CODE,
        'status' => DS_FIELD_STATUS_DEFAULT,
        'properties' => array(
          'formatters' => array(
            'ds_eval_code' => t('Default'),
          'code' => '<?php
echo "Test key: ". $object->nid;
        'exclude' => array(
          'story' => 'story',
          'page' => 0,
  return $data;