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function nd_install in Node displays 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 nd.install \nd_install()
  2. 6 nd.install \nd_install()
  3. 6.2 nd.install \nd_install()

Implements hook_install().


./nd.install, line 11
Node displays install file.


function nd_install() {
  $install_text = 'Installation of Node displays is done. Please remember: if in the future you decide
    to implement your own hook_preprocess functions which run after the modulename_preprocess_hook,
    you might run into a racing condition problem where data won\'t be updated. Read
    <a href=""></a> for a solution.';

  // RSS doesn't have all regions.
  variable_set('ds_build_mode_4', 'not_all');