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function navbar_pre_render_item in Navbar 7

Provides markup for associating a tray trigger with a tray element.

A tray is a responsive container that wraps renderable content. Trays present content well on small and large screens alike.


array $element: A renderable array.

Return value

A renderable array.

1 string reference to 'navbar_pre_render_item'
navbar_element_info in ./navbar.module
Implements hook_element_info().


./navbar.module, line 337
Administration navbar for quick access to top level administration items.


function navbar_pre_render_item($element) {

  // Assign each item a unique ID.
  $id = drupal_html_id('navbar-item');

  // Provide attributes for a navbar item.
  $attributes = array(
    'id' => $id,

  // If tray content is present, markup the tray and its associated trigger.
  if (!empty($element['tray'])) {

    // Provide attributes necessary for trays.
    $attributes += array(
      'data-navbar-tab-trigger' => '',
      'data-navbar-tray' => $id . '-tray',
      'aria-owns' => $id,
      'role' => 'button',
      'aria-pressed' => 'false',

    // Merge in module-provided attributes.
    $element['tab'] += array(
      '#attributes' => array(),
    $element['tab']['#attributes'] += $attributes;

    // Provide attributes for the tray theme wrapper.
    $attributes = array(
      'id' => $id . '-tray',
      'data-navbar-tray' => $id . '-tray',
      'aria-owned-by' => $id,

    // Merge in module-provided attributes.
    if (!isset($element['tray']['#wrapper_attributes'])) {
      $element['tray']['#wrapper_attributes'] = array();
    $element['tray']['#wrapper_attributes'] += $attributes;
    $element['tray']['#wrapper_attributes']['class'][] = 'navbar-tray';
    if (!isset($element['tray']['#theme_wrappers'])) {
      $element['tray']['#theme_wrappers'] = array();

    // Add the standard theme_wrapper for trays.
    array_unshift($element['tray']['#theme_wrappers'], 'navbar_tray_wrapper');

    // If a #heading is provided for the tray, provided a #theme_wrapper
    // function to append it.
    array_unshift($element['tray']['#theme_wrappers'], 'navbar_tray_heading_wrapper');
  return $element;