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function _navbar_initialize_page_cache in Navbar 7

Use Drupal's page cache for navbar/subtrees/*, even for authenticated users.

This gets invoked after full bootstrap, so must duplicate some of what's done by _drupal_bootstrap_page_cache().

@todo Replace this hack with something better integrated with DrupalKernel once Drupal's page caching itself is properly integrated.

1 call to _navbar_initialize_page_cache()
navbar_subtrees_jsonp in ./navbar.module
Page callback: Returns the rendered subtree of each top-level navbar link.


./navbar.module, line 204
Administration navbar for quick access to top level administration items.


function _navbar_initialize_page_cache() {
  $GLOBALS['conf']['system.performance']['cache']['page']['enabled'] = TRUE;

  // If we have a cache, serve it.
  // @see _drupal_bootstrap_page_cache()
  $cache = drupal_page_get_cache();
  if (is_object($cache)) {
    header('X-Drupal-Cache: HIT');

    // Restore the metadata cached with the page.
    $_GET['q'] = $cache->data['path'];

    // We are done.

  // Otherwise, create a new page response (that will be cached).
  header('X-Drupal-Cache: MISS');

  // The Expires HTTP header is the heart of the client-side HTTP caching. The
  // additional server-side page cache only takes effect when the client
  // accesses the callback URL again (e.g., after clearing the browser cache or
  // when force-reloading a Drupal page).
  $max_age = 3600 * 24 * 365;
  drupal_add_http_header('Expires', gmdate(DATE_RFC1123, REQUEST_TIME + $max_age));
  drupal_add_http_header('Cache-Control', 'private, max-age=' . $max_age);