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function nat_link_alter in Node Auto Term [NAT] 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 nat.module \nat_link_alter()
  2. 6.2 nat.module \nat_link_alter()

Implementation of hook_link_alter().


./nat.module, line 213
NAT - node auto term - is a helper module that automatically creates a term using the same title as a node.


function nat_link_alter(&$links, $node) {
  $nat_config = _nat_variable_get();
  if (isset($nat_config['node_links'][$node->type])) {
    foreach ($links as $module => $link) {

      // Extract the term ID from the module indicator.
      $tid = str_replace('taxonomy_term_', '', $module, $count);

      // $link['title'] will be empty during node previews at which point
      // taxonomy links do not work.
      if ($count && $link['title']) {
        $nids = array_keys(nat_get_nids(array(
        ), FALSE));
        if (!empty($nids)) {

          // Link back to the NAT node and not the taxonomy term page.
          $links[$module]['href'] = "node/{$nids[0]}";