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10 calls to _nat_variable_get() in Node Auto Term [NAT] 6

NatSettingsTest::testNatSettings in tests/nat.test
NAT settings test.
nat_form_alter in ./nat.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().
nat_link_alter in ./nat.module
Implementation of hook_link_alter().
nat_nodeapi in ./nat.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
nat_settings_form in ./
Menu callback: NAT module settings form.
nat_set_config in ./nat.module
Update the NAT config to include node->vocabulary associations and related settings. Commonly used in .install files to register associations and save the admin some work.
nat_sync_form in ./
Sync the NAT table with the node table for associated vocabularies.
_nat_add_terms in ./nat.module
Add node titles as terms into the taxonomy system. @todo Ideas are welcome to allow retaining the hierarchy for vocabularies not present in the node form.
_nat_sync_associations in ./
Synchronize NAT node-term relationships. Create associated terms for node where missing.
_nat_update_terms in ./nat.module
Update saved node-terms.