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namespace Drupal\Tests\name\Functional in Name Field 8

Classsort descending Location Description
NameAdminTest tests/src/Functional/NameAdminTest.php Tests for the admin settings and custom format page.
NameFieldTest tests/src/Functional/NameFieldTest.php Various tests on creating a name field on a node.
NameNodeTokenReplaceTest tests/src/Functional/NameNodeTokenReplaceTest.php Tests text replacements in content to check node name token replacement.
NameOptionsProviderTest tests/src/Functional/NameOptionsProviderTest.php Tests NameOptionsProvider class.
NameTestBase tests/src/Functional/NameTestBase.php Helper test class with some added functions for testing.
NameTestTrait tests/src/Functional/NameTestTrait.php Common testing traits.
NameWidgetTest tests/src/Functional/NameWidgetTest.php Various tests on creating a name widget on a node.