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service name.formatter in Name Field 8


5 string references to name.formatter
NameFieldBuilder::create in src/Plugin/diff/Field/NameFieldBuilder.php
Creates an instance of the plugin.
NameFormatter::create in src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/NameFormatter.php
Creates an instance of the plugin.
NameListFormatForm::create in src/Form/NameListFormatForm.php
Instantiates a new instance of this class.
NameListFormatListBuilder::createInstance in src/NameListFormatListBuilder.php
Instantiates a new instance of this entity handler.
NameNodeTokenReplaceTest::testNodeTokenReplacement in tests/src/Functional/NameNodeTokenReplaceTest.php
Creates a node, then tests the tokens generated from it.



View source
  1. class: Drupal\name\NameFormatter
  2. arguments:
  3. - '@entity_type.manager'
  4. - '@name.format_parser'
  5. - '@language_manager'
  6. - '@string_translation'
  7. - '@config.factory'